5 Signs God Is Telling You It’s Time to Emotionally Detach from Someone

Proverbs 4:23

In a recent video and article called 5 Biblical Rules to Emotionally Detach from Someone, I asked viewers if they wanted me to also talk about how to when God is leading you to emotionally detach. Many said they did want this content, so here 5 signs God is leading you to emotionally detach from someone.

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Unrequited Love: Its Causes and Cure from a Biblical Perspective

Hebrews 13:5

The term “unrequited love” refers to those relationship situations where you like someone more than they like you. This may occur when you like a friend who has no idea you have feelings for them. This may occur when your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you even though you wanted the relationship to continue. Or this may occur when you see a stranger over and over again and you form a strong desire for this person even though they don’t know you exist.

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