3 Signs God Is Telling You to Block a Man from Your Life

1 Corinthians 15:33

It shouldn’t be our normal practice to block people from our lives in an extreme way. If, for example, you like a man but it doesn’t work out, you may need to distance yourself for a bit so you can move on; but it’s not necessary to go to severe lengths so there is no evidence of his presence at all in your life. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Telling You to Block a Man from Your Life

3 Signs God Is Purifying You So You’re Ready to Meet Your Future Spouse

Psalm 51:10

Christian purity is not something you are born with. In fact, the Scriptures teach us that every human was born with a sin nature (Psalm 51:5). Thus, we do not sin and become sinful. Rather, we sin because we are sinful. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Purifying You So You’re Ready to Meet Your Future Spouse

5 Signs God Is Setting You Free from an Idol

1 John 5:21

Idols rob us of the immense joy God wants to give us. Everything good in this life is from God, given to us in love (1 Timothy 4:4-5). And yet, because of our sin nature, those good gifts often get turned into false gods. Our hearts were made to worship the one true God; if we are not worshiping him, we will always find something else to worship. Continue reading 5 Signs God Is Setting You Free from an Idol

4 Signs God Is Simply Delaying Your Desire Rather Than Denying It

James 4:3

Perhaps you have prayed for a spouse, but you are still single. Perhaps you have prayed for a better career situation, but there doesn’t appear to be any open doors. Or maybe you have a reoccurring sin in your life that you wish God would remove, but no matter what you try it remains. Is God delaying your desire or denying it? Continue reading 4 Signs God Is Simply Delaying Your Desire Rather Than Denying It