I’m getting the term “spreading his wings of protection over you” from the book of Ruth.
3 Signs God Is Preparing a Christian Single Man for Marriage
If you are a Christian single man, here are 3 things that happen when God is preparing you for marriage.
5 Things a Woman Should Not Do When Inviting a Man’s Pursuit
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I encourage women to be inviting. However, since men are called to pursue, a woman’s invitation can go wrong in many ways. So in this article, I’m going to share 5 things a woman should not do when inviting a man’s pursuit.
4 Signs God Is Telling You to Block a Woman from Your Life
Here are 4 signs that mean God is telling a man to block a woman from his life.
5 Biblical Things You Should Do If You Need to Stop Thinking About a Certain Woman
If you know you need to stop thinking about a certain woman, here are 5 biblical things you should do.
How to Be More Confident as a Christian Man Around the Woman You Like
Here are 6 ways for Christian men to be more confident and less nervous around the woman they like.
3 Biblical Ways to Position Yourself to Be Found By Your Future Husband
As we study and apply Ruth 1:19, we can see at least 3 biblical ways God can lead a woman to help her future husband find her.
4 Biblical Marks that Will Appear When a Woman Finds True Love
By studying Song of Solomon 8:6-7, we can see at least 4 marks that a woman has found true love.
4 Weird Things that Happen When God Reveals Your Future Wife to You
Here are 4 weird things God often uses to help a man identify his future wife.
4 Biblical Differences Between How Men and Women Hurt Each Other
When you get into a relationship, things often go wrong because we think that our partner is just like us. But in fact, many times we are offended by different things than one another. And when it comes to men and women, there are some common differences we should all be aware of if we hope to have a healthy relationship with someone.