I’m getting the term “spreading his wings of protection over you” from the book of Ruth.
5 Things a Woman Should Not Do When Inviting a Man’s Pursuit
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I encourage women to be inviting. However, since men are called to pursue, a woman’s invitation can go wrong in many ways. So in this article, I’m going to share 5 things a woman should not do when inviting a man’s pursuit.
3 Biblical Ways to Position Yourself to Be Found By Your Future Husband
As we study and apply Ruth 1:19, we can see at least 3 biblical ways God can lead a woman to help her future husband find her.
4 Biblical Marks that Will Appear When a Woman Finds True Love
By studying Song of Solomon 8:6-7, we can see at least 4 marks that a woman has found true love.
How to Meet Your Husband According to the Bible
Here are 7 biblical ways a Christian single woman can meet her future husband.
3 Ways a Deep Thinker Pursues a Woman
If you are a Christian single woman, one of the most confusing types of guys is the “deep thinker.”
5 Things God Will Tell Your Future Husband So He Knows You’re His Future Wife
How will God lead your future husband to pursue you?
5 Ways to Pick a Great Dad for Your Future Kids!
If you are a Christian single woman who wants to get married and have a family one day, you obviously want to marry a man who will be a great dad to your future children. But how can you make sure you do this when you are dating and assessing a man for marriage?
5 Subtle Signs a Guy Is Gently Pursuing You to See if You’re Interested
If you’re a Christian woman and you’re wondering if a guy likes you, what signs will be present? It’s obvious when a guy just asks you on a date or is expressing himself clearly, but at other times a man might take things slower to feel out if you’re interested in him like he is in you.