4 Biblical Reasons a Woman Struggles to Connect with a Godly Man

Ephesians 5:33

There is not a specific chapter in the Bible that will point out all the possible reasons for why a woman may be struggling to connect with a godly man. However, wanting to connect with a godly man is a good and biblical desire; thus, we can be sure the Holy Spirit will use the Scriptures to direct a Christian woman on how to best make this type of connection. Continue reading 4 Biblical Reasons a Woman Struggles to Connect with a Godly Man

4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

1 Peter 5:8

Have you tried to stop thinking about a certain man but for some reason you just can’t? Why won’t God remove your feelings for a man who’s not in your life anymore? Is there any hope of this ever changing, or will you always feel this way about this guy? Continue reading 4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

5 Things a Good Man Will Never Do When He Has Feelings for You

1 Corinthians 13:4

Besides Jesus, there is no human who is totally good in every way (Romans 3:10-12). Therefore, when you hear me use the phrase “a good man,” you have to keep that in context. I’m not saying there is a perfect man out there who will never make mistakes with you. However, there certainly are men who are repenting of sin and seeking to please the Lord compared to worldly men who love their sin. Continue reading 5 Things a Good Man Will Never Do When He Has Feelings for You