3 Biblical Differences Between Your Purpose, Your Calling, and Your Career

1 Peter 4:10

When it comes to questions about God’s will for your purpose, calling, or career, the first step is to know what these words actually mean from a biblical perspective. Continue reading 3 Biblical Differences Between Your Purpose, Your Calling, and Your Career

3 Signs God Is Saying, “Keep Doing What You’re Doing”

Romans 12:12

It’s tempting to always be waiting for new insight from the Lord. We often find peace once we hear God say “Wait” or “Go,” but then that peace starts to fade because the next day we start to doubt what we heard. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Saying, “Keep Doing What You’re Doing”

3 Signs God Is Saying, “It’s the Right Time to Take It”

Psalm 127:1-2

Throughout Scripture, we are taught the principle of “timing.” As Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven . . .” Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Saying, “It’s the Right Time to Take It”

4 Signs God Is Trying to Protect You from a Really Bad Decision

Proverbs 26:11

What does the Bible say about making bad decisions? Here are 4 instances where God is often warning us to not make a bad decision which we will regret later. Continue reading 4 Signs God Is Trying to Protect You from a Really Bad Decision

When You Want Something You Can’t Get, God Says . . .

Mark 14:8

Perhaps you want to be married, but no matter what you try you can’t seem to meet anyone. Perhaps you want a better career, but no matter how many applications you fill out, the phone never rings. Or perhaps you are watching someone you love make really destructive decisions and are faced with the cold reality that you are totally unable to convince them to change. Continue reading When You Want Something You Can’t Get, God Says . . .