5 Things that Will Happen in Your Life When Satan Is Attacking You

1 Peter 5:8-9

Was that just a random bad day or was that a spiritual attack? Is that person just not into you or is Satan blocking you two from being together? Do you feel this way because of a biological reason or because of a spiritual reason? Continue reading 5 Things that Will Happen in Your Life When Satan Is Attacking You

3 Really Hard Things God Will Use to Lead You to The One

Psalm 32:8-9

We often think that the love of God would lead him to spare us of pain. But in truth, when you study the Scriptures, it becomes clear that God’s love is the reason he often does not spare us of pain. He loves us so much that he will let hard things happen to us if they will result in even more joy for us and more glory to him. Continue reading 3 Really Hard Things God Will Use to Lead You to The One

5 Things God Will Show You When Someone Has Good Intentions for You

Song of Solomon 8:4

No one truly knows the heart of another except God himself. Therefore, when we are trying to know if someone’s internal intentions are good or bad towards us, God will actually show us external signs that gives us helpful clues about someone’s internal motives. Continue reading 5 Things God Will Show You When Someone Has Good Intentions for You