How to Use Discernment

How to use discernment Bible ChristianKey Bible Verses: Matthew 18:15-17, Galatians 6:1, Romans 16:17, Romans 14:4

One of the defining marks of a true Christian is a disdain and discernment for sin. When the Holy Spirit enters our hearts and as we grow in our walk with Jesus, we become more discerning to the sins both in us and in others. This is a great gift that benefits a heart seeking after God, but with each gift we receive comes a temptation to use it wrongly. So how do we use our discernment according to the Bible?

How to Use Discernment the Right Way

Discernment over sin should, of course, primarily be used to aid the believer in confessing and repenting of their own rebellion. For how are we to help others see clearly if we ourselves still have planks of sin in our own eyes (Matthew 7:1-5).

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Sexual Purity: How the Church Often Get’s It Wrong

Sexual Purity Bible ChristianPsalm 51:10
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

The American Church has gotten the issue of sexual purity backwards. The idea is presented to youth groups across the country that it is utterly crucial for them to “remain pure.” When they are virgins, they have their purity. If they have premarital sex, however, they will lose their purity.

True Sexual Purity Is Given By Jesus Christ Alone

While there are certainly worse things you could tell a teenager, this logic simply does not translate to our spiritual reality explained in the Bible. We most certainly should teach abstinence, but the motivation behind abstinence is often neglected.

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Biblical Problem Solving

Biblical Problem solving
Key Bible Verses: Psalm 115:3, Matthew 6:25-34

Biblical problem solving revolves around our relationship with God. The bigger your view of God, the smaller your problems become. Problems are produced not in what happens to us, but in on our unmet human expectations.

Biblical Problem Solving: Problems Are Different than Sins

Biblically, problems are different than sins. Problems are things like mistakes, issues, annoyances, or external complications needing to be solved. Sins are offenses against God and people by breaking commands found in the Bible.

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What Does Hyssop Represent in the Bible?

hyssop bible meaning represent psalm 51_7
Key Bible Verse: Psalm 51:7,“Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

Psalm 51 is David’s prayer of repentance after he sins with Bathsheba. Within this prayer, David expresses his supreme confidence in the the faithfulness of God to forgive. However, when we come to Psalm 51:7, David mentions a plant called “hyssop.” It seems like an odd request to ask God to use a hyssop plant to wipe away David’s sin. So it raises a question worth asking, “What does the hyssop represent in the Bible?”

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How to Find a Christian Mentor

How to find a Christian mentor
Acts 15:37-39, 2 Timothy 4:9-13

In every Christian, whether they would admit it or not, there is a desire to have a strong, wise mentor who is willing to invest in them. Few, however, find a wiser Christian mentor who is willing to help guide them through life, relationships, and ministry as a good mentor should. So how do you find a Christian mentor?

How to Find a Christian Mentor: Don’t Be Self-Centered

“Where are all the mentors?” is often posed as a question but it is really meant to be an accusation against the generation above us. But perhaps the blame does not always lie in the lack of mentors available but also in the demands and expectations of those desiring to be mentored.

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Part 4: How to Overcome Sexual Sin

How to Overcome Sexual Sin Porn

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.”-Psalm 51:5-6

Our external sins are an expression of our internal condition. God has made humans with the tendency to sexualize their feelings. Intercourse, at its purest form, is the love of a husband and wife sexualized. The love and commitment they have in their hearts towards one another was designed by God to be expressed physically through the joining of one flesh.

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Part 3: How to Overcome Sexual Sin

how to overcome sexual sin
Psalm 51:3, “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.”

How to Overcome Sexual Sin (Part 3)

If you choose to deny your disease, you will also ignore the Cure, Christ Jesus. Without a deep and sincere disgust for sexual sin, you will never overcome the lusts that plague you.

It’s crucial to notice that the first word in Psalm 51:3 is “For.” This word is like “because.” This means that that what was said in Psalm 51:1-2 is being said “because” of the truth found in Psalm 51:3.

David pleaded for mercy and love because of God’s loving and merciful nature. But he would never have done this action if he was not first convicted of his sin. Psalm 51:2 says, “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!” Why? Psalm 51:3 explains, “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.” If you don’t come to grips with how evil your sexual sin really is, you will never truly cry out to God for deliverance.

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