5 Things God Says to Someone Who Has Never Been in a Relationship Before

Matthew 7:7

If you’ve been in church for very long, you’ve probably heard a lot of sermons about marriage. You’ve probably even heard some good information about dating. Maybe you’ve been taking in some good information about healing from a past relationship. Continue reading 5 Things God Says to Someone Who Has Never Been in a Relationship Before

4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

1 Peter 5:8

Have you tried to stop thinking about a certain man but for some reason you just can’t? Why won’t God remove your feelings for a man who’s not in your life anymore? Is there any hope of this ever changing, or will you always feel this way about this guy? Continue reading 4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

5 Curses God Promises to Use on Those Who Attack His People

Romans 12:17-21

In Genesis 12:2-3, God said to Abraham, the father of Israel,And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Continue reading 5 Curses God Promises to Use on Those Who Attack His People

5 Things a Good Man Will Never Do When He Has Feelings for You

1 Corinthians 13:4

Besides Jesus, there is no human who is totally good in every way (Romans 3:10-12). Therefore, when you hear me use the phrase “a good man,” you have to keep that in context. I’m not saying there is a perfect man out there who will never make mistakes with you. However, there certainly are men who are repenting of sin and seeking to please the Lord compared to worldly men who love their sin. Continue reading 5 Things a Good Man Will Never Do When He Has Feelings for You

3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Strong Feelings for Someone

Proverbs 16:9

Do you have really strong feelings for someone that you are not in a relationship with? Perhaps you really like this person but for whatever reason you haven’t been given the chance to date them. Or maybe you did date them, it didn’t work out, and yet you still have really strong emotions about this person? Continue reading 3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Strong Feelings for Someone