7 Physical Afflictions that Occur When People Displease God

1 Corinthians 11:29-30

It would be unbiblical to assume that every physical affliction we experience is due to our disobedience towards God. God is very gracious towards us and he is eager to spare us of the punishment we deserve (2 Peter 3:9). In fact, this is the very reason Jesus came. He died the death we deserved so we could live free with him forever (2 Corinthians 5:21). Continue reading 7 Physical Afflictions that Occur When People Displease God

4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

1 Peter 5:8

Have you tried to stop thinking about a certain man but for some reason you just can’t? Why won’t God remove your feelings for a man who’s not in your life anymore? Is there any hope of this ever changing, or will you always feel this way about this guy? Continue reading 4 Reasons You Feel So Attached to a Man Even Though He’s Not in Your Life Anymore

3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Strong Feelings for Someone

Proverbs 16:9

Do you have really strong feelings for someone that you are not in a relationship with? Perhaps you really like this person but for whatever reason you haven’t been given the chance to date them. Or maybe you did date them, it didn’t work out, and yet you still have really strong emotions about this person? Continue reading 3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Strong Feelings for Someone

4 Hints God Will Bring that Man Back Into Your Life One Day

Proverbs 3:5-6

This is one of those articles you could misuse if you are not careful. Don’t just read the title and say to yourself, “Seeing this must be a sign God will bring this man back into my life.” Rather, really look at the points to see if these are relevant to you. If the points don’t apply, don’t assume God will bring this man back into your life. Continue reading 4 Hints God Will Bring that Man Back Into Your Life One Day

5 Signs God Uses to Warn You About a Soul-Crushing Woman

Proverbs 21:19

When I say “a woman is crushing your soul,” I’m not referring to your eternal salvation. Rather, I’m saying your soul, the immaterial parts that make you who you are, is being assaulted and damaged by this woman. Proverbs 18:14, “A man’s spirit will endure sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?” Continue reading 5 Signs God Uses to Warn You About a Soul-Crushing Woman

4 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop All Communication with a Man

It can be really difficult for a woman to know when she should stop talking to a man. Is he pursuing you or playing you? Is he trying to be respectful by going slow or is he just too passive? Is he inconsistent for a good reason or is he just a flaky man who is wasting your time? Continue reading 4 Signs God Is Telling You to Stop All Communication with a Man

4 Biblical Principles Regarding Manifesting Your Destiny, Speaking It Into Existence, and The Law of Attraction

1 John 5:14-15

Are you unmarried because God is waiting for you to manifest this destiny into existence? Do you lack the finances you desire because you have not specifically named and then claimed the exact dollar amount you want? Would God give you the physical healing you need if you used the law of attraction? Continue reading 4 Biblical Principles Regarding Manifesting Your Destiny, Speaking It Into Existence, and The Law of Attraction