Welcome to the AGW Core Content Page! This is where you will find all of Mark Ballenger’s books.
About the Author: Mark has a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and lives in Cleveland with his wife and two children. His writings have been featured on a variety of popular ministries including Focus on the Family (Boundless.org), DesiringGod.org, RELEVANTmagazine.com, Beliefnet.com, ChurchLeaders.com, and many others. His teaching videos have also reached millions of viewers.
10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship

Description: In this concise mini-eBook, I share with you 10 powerful tips to help you succeed in Christian dating. These 10 tips build on each other, taking you from the pre-dating season right up to the point of engagement. We systematically discuss the practical and spiritual steps in the meeting, dating, and marrying process. If you are looking for deep biblical insight into Christian dating, this book will not disappoint.
For the free audiobook version posted on YouTube, click here.
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 83 pages, Type: PDF
The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness, by Mark Ballenger

Description: Christian singleness brings so many unknowns. Am I called to a life of singleness? How do I know if God wants me to be married one day? Is God punishing me with singleness because of my past sins? How can I glorify God during my season of Christian singleness? How can I find a Christian spouse? Am I good enough for someone to love me?
Along with all the unknowns come intense emotions. It can feel like a punch in the gut every time you see another friend make an engagement announcement on social media. Your loneliness can be unbearable after a bad dating breakup. Once you start counting the months (or years) since you’ve been on your last date, it can bring all kinds of doubts about yourself. Or perhaps you’ve never been in a serious relationship, which can make dating seem like a foreign planet best left unexplored.
You just want guidance. You are willing to do whatever God asks, but you first just want to know for sure what he is actually saying to you.
If you can identify with these questions and feelings, you are not alone.
Paperback (with small group study questions) sold through Amazon for $12.99
Kindle Version Sold through Amazon for $4.99
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 181 pages, Type: Paperback or PDF
Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation

Description: Do you desire to overcome lust, porn, masturbation, and all other forms of sexual temptation? Do you value the power of God’s Word? Redeemed Like David offers a Christ-centered, Bible-based blueprint for overcoming all forms of sexual sin.
Perhaps the most notorious sexual failure in the whole Bible was King David’s affair with Bathsheba. And yet, even with this massive sexual blemish in David’s past, God still called King David “a man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22). How can this be?
The key to understanding David’s redemption is Psalm 51. In Redeemed Like David you will find that Psalm 51 is a roadmap on how to break free from the addictive sexual sins that have consistently plagued you.
Paperback (plus leader’s guide and small group study questions) sold through Amazon for $12.99
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 199 pages, Type: Paperback, Kindle eBook, and PDF
Basic Transformation: A Bible Study on Christian Transformation (Free eBook)

Description: This book is a small group Bible study on the basics of change. It also works great for personal devotion time as well.
Each chapter takes a foundational Christian truth and applies it to the area of transformation. God tells us all to come as we are, but he always intends to change us once we do finally come to him.
Each of the eight chapters are structured into three sections: what, why, and how. What is the topic? Why is this topic key for transformation? How can I apply this truth in my life?
Each of the three sections in every chapter has two conversational questions meant to be discussed with others. Each chapter concludes with four additional reflection questions. Thus there are six in-text questions and four reflection questions for a total of ten questions per chapter.
This is a great Bible study if you are looking to reflect on the foundations of Christianity with a fresh focus aimed on application and transformation.
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length 124 pages, Type: Paperback and PDF
Never Quit: 5 Dynamic Prayer Lessons that Will Empower Your Life and Protect Your Heart

Description: Jesus knows what we’ve been through and he knows what’s ahead. He knows how easy it will be for us to give up. And so in kindness, he offers us a way out; or perhaps to say it a better way, he offers us a way through. He teaches us how to never quit.
In a short but powerful parable found in Luke 18:1-8, Jesus uses the persistence of a desperate widow to open our minds to the awesome love and sovereignty of God. And when we embrace these two core truths about God, it changes everything, especially our prayer life.
In Never Quit, you will learn 5 cornerstone truths that are essential to any passionate and powerful prayer life. Jesus prayed so well and accomplished so much because he believed God so accurately. He wants you to be able to pray like him, and after embracing his teachings found in Luke 18:1-8, your prayer life will never be the same.
(Paperback) Never Quit: A 5 Week Small Group Bible Study on the Power of Prayer
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 46 pages, Type: Paperback and PDF
Destroying Their Glory: A Demon’s Guide

Description: Does your life seem harder than it needs to be? Does it feel like there is always something opposing you? Perhaps there is.
In Destroying Their Glory: A Demon’s Guide, you will learn firsthand how to overcome the enemy by reading the words of Methodios, a high ranking enemy commander charged with writing a self-help book for struggling demons.
If you desire to overcome the enemy’s deceptive arrows, strengthen your purpose for living, protect your relationships with people you love, and (most importantly) gain more intimacy with God, you will greatly benefit from reading Destroying Their Glory: A Demon’s Guide.
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 300 pages, Type:PDF eBook
Clarity: See God’s Larger Story and Know His Specific Path for Your Life in 31 Days

Description: Is your world hazy? Feeling stuck? Are you wondering what is God’s will for your life? Or perhaps you feel your lack of direction in life is because you got off of God’s path and you can’t quite find your way back. This is not what God wants for you.
Life will always be confusing, God usually doesn’t give us more light than we need to just see the next step to take, but through the pages of God’s larger story, he desires for us to have purpose, passion, and meaningful direction.
God wants to give you clarity.
Author: Mark Ballenger, Length: 70 pages, Type:PDF eBook
Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory
Description: Throughout the pages of Scripture, God is not teaching us how to create utopia on earth but rather how to live a passionate life in the midst of great tragedy and triumph, in relational ups and downs, in success and failures. Internal happiness is available all the time when we no longer seek our joy in this earthly life but rather in the eternal life of Christ.
Intertwined is meant to dust off the cobwebs of the most profound phrase ever given to humanity, “The glory of God.” When we rediscover what this means, we have rediscovered the path to everything good.
Happiness, purpose, and freedom are available, but it all depends on intertwining your good with God’s glory.
About the Author: Mark Ballenger’s writings have been featured on a variety of popular ministries including DesiringGod.org, RELEVANTmagazine.com, ChurchLeaders.com, and many others. He writes daily on the popular website he founded, ApplyGodsWord.com. Mark has a master’s degree in pastoral counseling and lives in Cleveland with his wife and two children.
Length: 181 pages, Type: paperback, Kindle eBook, PDF
The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage
This book was #1 on Amazon in New Releases in Christian Dating and Relationships
Description: Is there such a thing as “the one”? Does God actually have a sovereign plan for your future marriage? How will God reveal “the one” to you? Can you miss God’s will for your relationships? If you’ve ever asked questions like these and want biblical answers, this book is for you.
God does have a plan for your future marriage and you can know what that plan is. This book answers 12 of the most commonly asked questions regarding God’s will and Christian relationships. At the end of each chapter, five questions are also included for small group Bible studies or for personal reflection. The topics covered include:
- Is There Such a Thing as “The One”?
- Does God’s Will Always Happen in Relationships?
- How Does God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility Work Together in Relationships?
- Does Your Sin and Satan’s Temptation Cancel Out God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage?
- Why Pray About Your Future Marriage in Your Singleness If God Is Sovereign?
- Why Is God Waiting to Show You the Date He Has Set for Your Wedding Day?
- How Will God Reveal The One to You? (Part 1: Through His Word)
- How Will God Reveal The One to You? (Part 2: Through His Spirit)
- How Will God Reveal The One to You? (Part 3: Through Your Circumstances)
- What Should You Do If You Are Not Sure If God Is Revealing The One to You?
- Does God Ever Speak Through Dreams and “Prophetic Words” About Relationships?
- How Can You Overcome the Fear of the Unknowns and Move Forward Towards Your Future Marriage?
Length: 164 pages, Type: paperback, Kindle eBook
100 Relationship Signs: How to Know What God Is Saying to You in Singleness and Dating
Description: Is God telling you to wait on him for a spouse or is he telling you to be more proactive in dating? What will happen in your life when you meet the person God wants you to marry? How will God lead you to date the right person and protect you from entering into a bad relationship? Should you pursue friendship with that person you like? Should you date him or her?
If you want to know God’s will for your life in singleness and dating, this book is for you. In 19 short chapters, Mark Ballenger outlines 100 clear relationship signs you can look for to help you figure out what God wants you to do (or not do) in singleness and dating.
This book is packed with biblical and practical advice on discovering God’s leading in your life. Whether you are trying to decide if God wants you to remain single for now or if you are trying to decided if you are supposed to get married to the person you are dating, this book will help you find the answers you need to know.
Length: 157 pages, Type: paperback, Kindle eBook
AGW University: Relationship Courses for Christian Singles
AGW University is where I offer my most in-depth Bible teachings for Christian singles who desire relationship training. If you are someone who wants to glorify God in marriage one day but you are not quite sure how to get there, these course might be just what you need.
Click here for to learn more about AGW University.
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