4 Reasons God Let You Get Into a Relationship That Changed for the Worse

Acts 20:28-32

If God knows the future, why did he let you get into a relationship with someone that seemed great at first but later on they changed into a completely different person? Continue reading 4 Reasons God Let You Get Into a Relationship That Changed for the Worse

5 Things That Will Happen When You Hear God Correctly About a Certain Relationship

Isaiah 55:11

Here are 5 things that will happen to confirm that you truly heard God correctly about that certain relationship you believe he spoke to you about. Continue reading 5 Things That Will Happen When You Hear God Correctly About a Certain Relationship

4 Signs Satan Is Keeping You in Relationship Limbo

Matthew 15:8-9

Satan can’t make you do anything and he cannot overrule God’s will for your life. But Satan can tempt us and when we give into these temptations, we can block ourselves from the clarity God wanted to give us. Continue reading 4 Signs Satan Is Keeping You in Relationship Limbo

3 Signs God Is Telling You to Let Go of Your Ideal Relationship So He Can Bless You with a Real Relationship

Habakkuk 2:18

Here are 3 signs God is telling you to let go of an ideal so he can bless you with a real relationship. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Telling You to Let Go of Your Ideal Relationship So He Can Bless You with a Real Relationship

5 Signs God Is Preparing You to Make a Good Soul Tie with Someone

1 Samuel 18:1, 3-4

When I use the term “soul,” I’m referring to those parts of you that go beyond your physical body but which are still very much a part of what makes you who you are: your emotions, your thinking processes, your will that makes choices, and so on. Continue reading 5 Signs God Is Preparing You to Make a Good Soul Tie with Someone

5 Books God Used to Change My Life

2 Timothy 4:13

In this article, I’m going to talk about 5 books that God used to change my life. I’m not saying that these books will change your life; for a book to change your life, you have to be in a certain season of life with certain needs that match the topic of that book. I also won’t be listing these books by importance but rather by the order in which I read them.  Continue reading 5 Books God Used to Change My Life

7 Signs God Is Exposing a Religious Narcissist to You

Philippians 1:15-18

A “narcissistic personality disorder” is a term used in psychology to identify a particular mental health condition that is marked by symptoms such as an overblown sense of one’s own importance, an extreme need for continual praise by others, and a lack of the ability to empathize with others.1    Continue reading 7 Signs God Is Exposing a Religious Narcissist to You

5 Things God Will Do If He Wants You with That Person You Have Chemistry With

Ephesians 6:18

Here are 5 things God will allow to happen in your life to let you know that you should pursue something more with this person that you have chemistry with. Continue reading 5 Things God Will Do If He Wants You with That Person You Have Chemistry With