7 Signs God Is Exposing a Religious Narcissist to You

Philippians 1:15-18

A “narcissistic personality disorder” is a term used in psychology to identify a particular mental health condition that is marked by symptoms such as an overblown sense of one’s own importance, an extreme need for continual praise by others, and a lack of the ability to empathize with others.1    Continue reading 7 Signs God Is Exposing a Religious Narcissist to You

How to Know Your Spiritual Gift (4 Biblical Signs)

Romans 12:6-8

Among Christians, there are a lot of differing beliefs about spiritual gifts. This article is not meant to be an exhaustive biblical study on spiritual gifts. Rather, the point of this article is to help you identify what gift God has called you to use as you seek to glorify him.

So here are 4 signs God is revealing your spiritual gift to you. Continue reading How to Know Your Spiritual Gift (4 Biblical Signs)

4 Signs God Is Saying, “You’re Ready!”

2 Peter 1:5-7

Perhaps you wanted start a new ministry, perhaps you wanted to start pursuing a dating relationship, or perhaps you even wanted to get more serious with someone you really like.  Whatever it may be, there are seasons where God may tell us we are not ready but then later on he will let us know when we are ready.

So here are 4 common signs God often uses to let us know we are now ready for that thing we were not ready for before. Continue reading 4 Signs God Is Saying, “You’re Ready!”