How to Be Respected as a Man

how to be a man Bible
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

How can you be more respected by others as a man? Ultimately you cannot control the feelings and behavior of others. There is no way to actually “make” someone respect you more.

However, there are ways you can act that can influence how other people speak to you, treat you, and perceive you. There’s a reason that some men are respected by lots of people and other men are barely respected at all. Continue reading How to Be Respected as a Man

How to Stop Thinking About Someone You Liked

how to stop thinking about someone you like
Matthew 12:43-45

It can be a real mental struggle to stop thinking about someone you like. When a relationship never occurred with someone that you really liked or a relationship ended that you really enjoyed, it is natural to grieve and think about it for a while. Continue reading How to Stop Thinking About Someone You Liked

How to Let a Christian Guy Know That You’re Interested

how to let a christian guy know that you like him
Proverbs 21:9

Christian single women often feel trapped by the teachings they find in church. They are told that marriage is a wonderful thing and they hear all these love stories sprinkled through the pastor’s sermon, but they are also told they must not do anything but wait to be found by the man of their dreams. Continue reading How to Let a Christian Guy Know That You’re Interested

How to Stop Being Passive in Christian Dating and Relationships

Christian men passive dating
1 Samuel 17:50

Do you feel stuck and paralyzed as you consider the possibility of pursuing a Christian woman or entering into a Christian relationship with a godly man? Are you tired of being so passive and fearful in Christian dating and relationships? Continue reading How to Stop Being Passive in Christian Dating and Relationships

How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage

interpreting dreams
1 Corinthians 14:33

Lately many people have been asking about interpreting dreams from God, specifically when it comes to dreams about dating and their future marriage. Another common question that has been coming in lately is about prophesy. For example, someone “prophesied over” over a guy and told him something specific that they “saw” in his future like, “I see you surrounded by a woman and lots of children.” Continue reading How to Interpret Dreams and “Prophesies” About Dating and Your Future Marriage

4 Dating Tips for Older Single Christians Who Want to Be Married

dating advice for older adults
Luke 1:7,4-25

Lately I have been getting a lot of questions from older Christian singles who want to be married. They have been asking about what dating advice there is for them and what changes should they make to their dating approach since they are getting a little bit older.

Here are 4 Christian dating tips for older adults who would like to be married. Continue reading 4 Dating Tips for Older Single Christians Who Want to Be Married