7 Physical Afflictions that Occur When People Displease God

1 Corinthians 11:29-30

It would be unbiblical to assume that every physical affliction we experience is due to our disobedience towards God. God is very gracious towards us and he is eager to spare us of the punishment we deserve (2 Peter 3:9). In fact, this is the very reason Jesus came. He died the death we deserved so we could live free with him forever (2 Corinthians 5:21).

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3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Will Give You the New Once You Let Go of the Old”

Isaiah 43:18-19

Have you been praying for a new relationship, a new source of income, or a new pattern of godly living? If you are clinging to an old relationship in your heart, an old mindset that is preventing productivity, or an old habit that is creating temptation, you will be unable to receive the new from the Lord.

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