What Does the Bible Say About the Heart and Mind?

Bible verses heart and mind
Philippians 4:7

Every part of the body is crucial for survival, but if you had to rank the importance of each organ, it seems the brain and the heart would be at the top. When we discuss our spiritual make up, the mind and heart seem to top the list of importance as well.

But what does the Bible say about the heart and mind? What’s the difference between the two? And what is the relationship between the mind and heart? Continue reading What Does the Bible Say About the Heart and Mind?

5 Questions to Find the Root of the Problem

How to find the root of the problem
Ephesians 5:15

When we look at other people’s lives, it’s usually pretty easy to see root of their problems. Your friend can’t commit even though she keeps meeting potentially great partners, and she just can’t figure out why. You know her dad left her when she was young, so it seems obvious to you that her commitment issue is probably a defense mechanism to protect herself from not getting abandoned again. Why can’t she see this? Continue reading 5 Questions to Find the Root of the Problem

16 Signs of a False Prophet/Teacher

Bible false prophet teacher signs
Matthew 7:15-16

What does the Bible say about false prophets and teachers? Jesus said in Matthew 7:15-16, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits.”

Whenever Jesus tells us to “beware,” he means this in the most literal sense. As Christians we must be on guard, for wolves dress in sheep clothing, trying to masquerade as innocent pastors but in reality are dangerous false prophets and teachers. Wolves are cunning, they prey on sheep rather than on other wolves, and therefore Christians must know how to detect a dangerous leader, for they will not be obvious, especially if you are an accepting person.

1 John 4:1-3 tells us that anyone who does not confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh from God is a false prophet. This sign of a false prophet is the most obvious. But again, as Jesus warned us, false prophets are crafty and they won’t always reveal themselves this easily. This is why 1 John 4:1 tells us, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

So here are 16 signs of a false prophet and teacher. Continue reading 16 Signs of a False Prophet/Teacher

What’s the Purpose of God’s Law?

God's law purpose
Romans 3:19-31

What’s the purpose of God’s law? If we are saved by grace and through faith, what’s the point of the law? If Christ came to fulfill the law, does this mean God’s law no longer applies to us since Christ accomplished it for us?

By studying Romans 3:19-31, we can see four purposes in the Bible for God’s law. Continue reading What’s the Purpose of God’s Law?

Christian Boundaries at Work

christian secular workplace boundaries
Colossians 4:5-6

When you are a Christian who works in a secular work place, you have a real challenge in front of you. Even if you work in a Christian environment like a church or a non-profit, there will always be people who have a way of dragging you down rather than building you up. This is why Christian boundaries at work are such an important part of a healthy life. Continue reading Christian Boundaries at Work

What Was God’s Purpose for Israel in the Old Testament?

What was israel's purpose in the Old Testament
Genesis 12:2-3, Genesis 22:17-18

As Christians, it is easy to read the New Testament and understand God’s plan for the world. He wants to save people from sin through Jesus Christ.

Sin has corrupted everything. Not only is the punishment of sin to go to hell, it brings hell into every area of life. You cannot live your purpose of imaging, serving, and glorifying God while under the curse of sin. So it’s no wonder God seeks to reverse the effects of sin and make us into new creations. But as we read the Old Testament, things can get a bit murkier. Continue reading What Was God’s Purpose for Israel in the Old Testament?

The Power of Words

The power of your words Bible
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1

Twenty-six letters . . . who would have thought that twenty-six letters could be as powerful as they are?

With twenty-six letters wars have been started, treaties have been made, great cures have been passed on to the next generation, history has been recorded, identities are given, order is made possible, and the ability to connect with another human being is achieved. Continue reading The Power of Words

How to Detox from Addictive Sin

bible detoxing christian
Hebrews 10:14

Detoxing is a medical term often associated with cleansing the body from impure substances. You can detox from anything ranging from sugar to relationship or from chocolate to crack cocaine. While detoxing from sin is not a topic directly found in the Bible, there are certainly many similarities. Continue reading How to Detox from Addictive Sin

What Does the Bible Say About Sleep?

What does the bible say about sleeping_
Psalm 3:5, Proverbs 20:13

What does the Bible say about sleep? This is an important question considering that anywhere from one-third of our life will be spent on earth with our eyes closed, slumbering away in our beds. That’s a lot of time sleeping! So what does God think about sleep? Can we sleep too much, too little, and how can we use sleep the way God intended?

Sleep, like everything else God has made, is good when it’s used right but also has the potential to be greatly misused. Continue reading What Does the Bible Say About Sleep?