Satan Is Hiding You From Your Future Spouse If . . .

James 4:7

Rather than take away all evil and temptation in this world and thus take away all our opportunities to freely follow Christ, God empowers the Christian by his Spirit to reject evil and pursue good. Continue reading Satan Is Hiding You From Your Future Spouse If . . .

4 Signs God Is Trying to Protect You from Making a Huge Mistake

1 Corinthians 10:13

God could choose to override our free will and stop us from ever making a mistake again, but that is not what God ever chooses to do. Rather, God is always communicating his will to us and will always provide a way of escape from our mistakes if we choose to listen and obey him (1 Corinthians 10:13). Continue reading 4 Signs God Is Trying to Protect You from Making a Huge Mistake