4 Reasons God Is Letting You Feel Aimless

Psalm 16:11

God knows everything (1 John 3:20). The Bible says when we ask God for wisdom, he will give it to us (James 1:5). And we are told that God is not the God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).

So why does God allow us to feel aimless and confused in life sometimes even though we are asking for direction? Continue reading 4 Reasons God Is Letting You Feel Aimless

4 Ways God Will Get You Ready for a Glorifying Relationship

1 Corinthians 10:31

You will feel conflicted, stressed, and unhappy when you know there is disconnected between your human relationships and your desire to glorify the Lord. But when you are finally able to be in a relationship with another human and you know this relationship is pleasing to the Lord, the joy that is produced is immense. Continue reading 4 Ways God Will Get You Ready for a Glorifying Relationship

5 Things God Will Do in Your Life When He Is Saying, “Seek Me!”

Deuteronomy 8:11-18

What does the Bible say about seeking God? Here are 5 things God often allows to happen in your life when he is calling you to seek him more. Continue reading 5 Things God Will Do in Your Life When He Is Saying, “Seek Me!”

3 Reasons God Is Letting You Go Through an Impossible Situation

God didn’t take the thorn away, but God did show Paul that his grace is always sufficient. So one reason God may be allowing you to go through something impossible is to show you the same thing.

When I use the phrase “an impossible situation,” I’m referring to those challenges in life that seem too hard for us to get through. Perhaps you have been given terrible news from the doctor, perhaps you are dealing with a really toxic work environment, or perhaps you have been single for so long you have begun to believe it is impossible to actually meet any single Christians who actually want to please the Lord like you do. Continue reading 3 Reasons God Is Letting You Go Through an Impossible Situation