3 Signs God Is Putting You Through a Season of Training Before a Season of Dating

1 Timothy 4:6-8

Here are 3 signs God is putting you through a season of training right now so he can then put you through a season of dating in the future. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Putting You Through a Season of Training Before a Season of Dating

AGW University 2020 + New Course Details

If you are Christian single person who wants to glorify God in marriage one day, I wanted to let you know about a unique resource I’ve created specifically for you. AGW University is where I offer in-depth biblical training for Christian singles who want to go to the next level in their walk with God, specifically when it comes to honoring the Lord in the area of relationships. Continue reading AGW University 2020 + New Course Details

How to Know if You Are Missing God’s Will or In God’s Will

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I’ve talked about the two different types of “God’s will” in a few other articles of mine, so I won’t do a full teaching on that here again. Continue reading How to Know if You Are Missing God’s Will or In God’s Will

3 Signs Satan Is Trying to Scare You Away from Love

James 4:7

The Bible does not support the idea of Dualism, which is a belief that God and Satan are the exact opposites of one another. This is an unbiblical view because God is supremely more powerful than Satan ever was, is, or will be; therefore Satan could never be God’s opposite because he is not divine like God is divine. Continue reading 3 Signs Satan Is Trying to Scare You Away from Love