4 Biblical Ways to Be Emotionally Healthy Without Looking Weak

1 Peter 3:7

It’s incredibly easy for men to be misled these days about how they should live their lives, including when it comes to emotional health. Culture wants to erase the differences between men and women; they want men to lose their masculinity and become more feminine. Continue reading 4 Biblical Ways to Be Emotionally Healthy Without Looking Weak

3 Biblical Things to Do If You’re Open to Meeting the Love of Your Life

John 5:5-14

John 5:5-6 states, “One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, ‘Do you want to be healed?’” Continue reading 3 Biblical Things to Do If You’re Open to Meeting the Love of Your Life

7 Red Flags that Mean a Woman Is Not Going to Be a Good Wife

Titus 2:3-5

The best way to avoid a bad marriage is to become a godly man before marriage and marry a godly woman. If you marry a modern woman who’s swallowed the lies of this sinful culture, you can guarantee yourself a miserable marriage. Continue reading 7 Red Flags that Mean a Woman Is Not Going to Be a Good Wife