God made you to glorify himself (Isaiah 43:7). Thus, Satan wants you to fall short of glorifying God, which is the definition of sin (Romans 3:23).
Spiritual Warfare
5 Marks of Someone Who Is an Enemy of the Cross and a Friend of Satan
Here are 5 marks that we are warned about in Scripture that mean someone is an enemy of the cross and a friend of Satan.
5 Biblical Acts You Should Perform to Expose a Narcissist
While the Bible does not use the word narcissist, there are many principles in Scripture that directly relate to this important topic.
4 Tactics the Devil Will Use to Trick You Into Marrying the Wrong Man
Here are 4 tactics the devil will use on a woman in hopes of getting her to marry the wrong man.
3 Marks of a Narcissistic Family Member Being Used By Satan to Attack You
Is Satan using a narcissistic family member to attack you? Here are 3 marks you may see if this is happening to you.
4 Biblical Marks of a Friend with Demonic Influence Sent to Attack You
The most dangerous enemy is the one camouflaged by friendship. Satan knows this. To get behind the castle walls, he will always look for a traitor who’s already inside. Even with Jesus, Satan used Judas (John 13:27), one of Jesus’ own disciples.
4 Signs Satan Is Using Idolatry to Keep You Unmarried
If you’re unmarried, this certainly doesn’t mean Satan is the cause. According to Scripture, singleness is just as much as gift from God as marriage is (1 Corinthians 7:7). Some people prefer to be single and are intentionally choosing not to get married.
4 Biblical Marks of a Man with Demonic Influence Sent to Attack You
In Ephesians 6:10-12 Paul, warns us that unseen demonic forces will uses “schemes” to attack God’s people. By definition, a scheme is an intricate assault that seeks to bring harm without you even noticing it. This is why Satan loves to use relationships for his evil agenda.
5 Warning Signs from God that Mean “a Judas” Will Betray You Soon
Here are 5 signs God may be warning you about a Judas sent to betray you.
5 Signs God Protected You from a Man Who Would Have Hurt You
God’s love is so much greater than we can even know. Sometimes he’s spared you of immense pain you didn’t even realize you were in danger of experiencing.