4 Biblical Principles Regarding Manifesting Your Destiny, Speaking It Into Existence, and The Law of Attraction

1 John 5:14-15

Are you unmarried because God is waiting for you to manifest this destiny into existence? Do you lack the finances you desire because you have not specifically named and then claimed the exact dollar amount you want? Would God give you the physical healing you need if you used the law of attraction? Continue reading 4 Biblical Principles Regarding Manifesting Your Destiny, Speaking It Into Existence, and The Law of Attraction

3 Subtle Changes God Will Use to Highlight Your Person to You

Proverbs 11:27

Oftentimes it doesn’t take much to get radically different results. When it comes to finding the person God has for you, sometimes you are much closer than you think. You may just need to change a few small things before God will highlight your future spouse to you. Continue reading 3 Subtle Changes God Will Use to Highlight Your Person to You

How to Quickly Identify a Woman Who Likes You Versus a Toxic Woman Who Is Playing You

Proverbs 5:3

Does that woman like you or is she just using you emotionally? Does she enjoy your friendship because she’s getting to know you before dating, or does she just want to be your friend forever? Is she a healthy Christian woman or a toxic woman just stringing you along for selfish reasons? Continue reading How to Quickly Identify a Woman Who Likes You Versus a Toxic Woman Who Is Playing You

4 Reasons God’s Promise to You Didn’t Happen Yet

1 Samuel 1:20

Maybe you heard God say, “That is the man you will marry one day.” Or maybe you felt God said, “That woman will come back into your life one day.” Or maybe you sensed God whispering, “Don’t worry, I will bless you with a better job soon.” Continue reading 4 Reasons God’s Promise to You Didn’t Happen Yet