How to Detect a Deceptive Woman

Joshua 9:1-27

As a man, never say things like “All women are liars” or “Women can’t be trusted.” Some women are liars and some women can’t be trusted; but anytime we lump a large group into a narrow definition that is based upon our personal experiences with just a few people from that group, we are lying to ourselves. Continue reading How to Detect a Deceptive Woman

5 Biblical Things the Women Do Who All the Guys Want

Ruth 1:1-22

Are you a Christian single woman who hopes to have a great relationship with your future godly husband one day? If so, this isn’t going to happen by accident. You actually have to start preparing for this outcome right now. Continue reading 5 Biblical Things the Women Do Who All the Guys Want

So God Wants You Single? (1 Corinthians 7:38 Explained)

1 Corinthians 7:38

1 Corinthians 7:38 states, “So then he who marries his betrothed does well, and he who refrains from marriage will do even better.” Does this verse mean God would prefer that you remain single? Many Christians would say, “Yes, God does want you single.” Continue reading So God Wants You Single? (1 Corinthians 7:38 Explained)

4 Reasons God Is Disappointing You

Luke 10:38-42 sermon

What does the Bible say about being disappointed with God?

As Christians, it’s okay to be disappointed with circumstances. We can even be disappointed with things that God allows. But we should never be disappointed with God himself because then we are saying our will is better than God’s will. Continue reading 4 Reasons God Is Disappointing You

4 Ways to “Not Awaken Love Until It So Desires”

Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5, 8:4

What does the Bible say about “not awakening love until it so desires?” How can you remain patient and “not stir up love until it pleases?” And how can you use your waiting season in singleness wisely? Continue reading 4 Ways to “Not Awaken Love Until It So Desires”

How to Truly Answer God’s Calling for You

Luke 3:4-20

If there was ever a person who knew he was submitting to God’s calling on his life, it was John the Baptist. By applying Luke 3:4-20 to the question, “How can we know when we are submitting to God’s call on our lives?” we can discover at least 5 ways. Continue reading How to Truly Answer God’s Calling for You

9 Warning Signs Someone Is a Delilah

Judges 16:1-22

While spiritual warfare can certainly be involved when a Delilah is present in our lives, I’m not specifically talking about a “spirit of Delilah” in this article. I’m referring to someone who has similar traits as this evil woman Delilah as described in the Bible. Because I’m going to be talking about her in a symbolic way, just know that a man or a woman can be a Delilah. Continue reading 9 Warning Signs Someone Is a Delilah