6 Male Insecurities that Cause Problems in Dating and Prevent Marriage

Romans 12:9

As a Christian woman, you want a man who can understand your insecurities, a man who is patient with you as you work through them, and a man who is willing to grow with you in a committed relationship. If you want a man like that, one of the best things you can do is to be that type of woman to him.

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3 Insecurities in a Man that Stop Him from Pursuing You

Song of Solomon 2:3

Most Christians agree that it’s the man’s job to pursue. However, this principle gets stated so often that we forget how hard this is for many men. As a woman, if you don’t know about some of the insecurities a man has about pursuing you, you may do things that actually prevent him from pursuing you because you are feeding these fears in him.

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