3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Sadness

Ecclesiastes 3:4

As every Christian knows, even though we have put our faith in God and are following Jesus, this does not mean we will now experience perfect joy on earth with zero problems. In fact, sometimes we can be in a prolonged season of painful sadness. But if God loves us and we love him, why is he allowing this sadness to continue? Why doesn’t he just take the sadness away?

In this article we will discuss 3 possible reasons God is not taking your sadness away. Continue reading 3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Sadness

How to Overcome Your Insecurities

Galatians 5:1

There are certain seasons in life where God will heighten our opportunity for healing in a special way. So here are 3 signs God is calling you to overcome your insecurities by going through an intentional season of healing and maturity with Christ. Continue reading How to Overcome Your Insecurities

3 Signs God Is Calling You to a Life of Singleness

1 Corinthians 7:7

Before you can have peace about pursuing a Christian relationship, you will first need to settle in your heart if God is calling you to a life of singleness or not.  So here are 3 signs God is calling you to a life of singleness. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Calling You to a Life of Singleness

5 Lies Satan Uses to Keep Bad “Christian” Leaders Safe

James 3:1

Satan wants nothing more than for people to follow corrupt leaders pretending to be genuine servants of Christ. So here are 5 phrases the devil often uses to keep people following a false “Christian” leader. Continue reading 5 Lies Satan Uses to Keep Bad “Christian” Leaders Safe