AGW University 2020 + New Course Details

If you are Christian single person who wants to glorify God in marriage one day, I wanted to let you know about a unique resource I’ve created specifically for you. AGW University is where I offer in-depth biblical training for Christian singles who want to go to the next level in their walk with God, specifically when it comes to honoring the Lord in the area of relationships.

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10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship

Description: In this concise mine-eBook, I share with you 10 powerful tips to help you succeed in Christian dating. These 10 tips build on each other, taking you from the pre-dating season right up to the point of engagement. We systematically discuss the practical and spiritual steps in the meeting, dating, and marrying process. If you are looking for deep biblical insight into Christian dating, this book will not disappoint.

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4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Toxic Relationship

4 signs God is protecting you from a toxic relationship
Proverbs 22:24-25, Proverbs 11:14

How can you tell if God is trying to warn you that you are actually in a toxic relationship? What signs will be present if God is telling you that this person is not marriage material for you? And how can you know if this person just has some normal issues to work through or if this person is truly harmful to be in a relationship with?

Here are 4 signs that God is trying to protect you from marrying a toxic person.

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AGW University Reviews

Are you wondering if AGW University has positive reviews? Yes, it does!

Below are comments made by real AGW University students. These screenshots are from the private Facebook group (currently 825 members) that only AGW University students have access to. Feel free to read through these AGW University reviews and then checkout these biblical relationship training courses yourself by clicking here!

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