Can God tell you who to marry by giving you a dream? And if you do have a dream about someone, how will you know if this was from the Lord or if it was just your own brain playing tricks on you?
“Mark, there are no Christians in my area. How am I supposed to get married one day if I can’t date an unbeliever?”
“But why wouldn’t God want me with this person if I truly love them?”
“I know we shouldn’t be unequally yoked, but the Bible also says we should make disciples of all nations. What if this is God’s plan for this person to get saved?”
“Who am I to judge? This person supports me in my faith. Love is love. Right?”
So what’s the big deal? Why does the Bible warn against unequally yoked relationships?
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I encourage women to be inviting. However, since men are called to pursue, a woman’s invitation can go wrong in many ways. So in this article, I’m going to share 5 things a woman should not do when inviting a man’s pursuit.
Whenever we talk about God’s sovereign will for our relationship futures, there’s always going to be some unknown elements. We do have free will, so we can make both good and bad choices.