Never Quit

Never Quit by mark ballengerDescription: Jesus knows what we’ve been through and he knows what’s ahead. He knows how easy it will be for us to give up. And so in kindness, he offers us a way out; or perhaps to say it a better way, he offers us a way through. He teaches us how to never quit.

In a short but powerful parable found in Luke 18:1-8, Jesus uses the persistence of a desperate widow to open our minds to the awesome love and sovereignty of God. And when we embrace these two core truths about God, it changes everything, especially our prayer life.

In Never Quit, you will learn 5 cornerstone truths that are essential to any passionate and powerful prayer life. Jesus prayed so well and accomplished so much because he believed God so accurately. He wants you to be able to pray like him, and after embracing his teachings found in Luke 18:1-8, your prayer life will never be the same.

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Never Quit – 5 dynamic prayer lessons that will empower your life and protect your heart By Mark Ballenger

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In Christ,
Mark Ballenger