Our Only Hope

God's glory

Our Only Hope
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.-Romans 8:8

There’s so many things that annoy,
There’s so many situations that can make a man act like a boy.

This world is full of snares and temptations,
And when there isn’t, the heart of man creates sinful inventions.

There’s no place on earth to escape the corruption,
For out of man’s heart come impulsive eruptions.

Moment to moment our temperament can change,
Love and then hate is no stretch for our range.

Speaking kindly with smiles on our face,
Only minutes later we can scowl and reject a forgiving embrace.

What can be done for this lack of self-control,
Who can save man from this all consuming, inner black hole?

Seeking Christ and being found by him,
This is the only hope to our out of control sin.

Only the master can wrestle us down,
Only the King has the authority to say “You were lost but now you’re found.”

A passionate pursuit of The Lord our God,
Only he can beat back our rebellion with his righteous rod.

For your rod and your staff they comfort me,
Only you can lead me to streams of water, to the everlasting tree.

You don’t take away my freedom to choose right and wrong,
Rather you empower me to pick the right fruit, you strengthen my wayward arm.

Published by

Mark Ballenger

ApplyGodsWord.com is the writing ministry of Mark Ballenger. To reach Mark, send him an email anytime: markballenger@applygodsword.com

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