As a Christian single woman who wants to meet her future godly husband, you are going to meet countless men who are not the one for you. So what will be different when you finally do meet your future husband?
One huge difference will be the actions he takes when interacting with you. Therefore, here are 3 things God will lead your future husband to do so you will know this is the man God wants you to marry one day.
1. You Will Know You’ve Met Your Future Husband Because God Will Lead This Man to Pursue You in the Way that You Need Him to Pursue You
As a Christian woman, you probably already know it’s the man’s job to pursue. However, when you read the Scriptures, there is not a specific, narrow way in which God tells men to pursue women. There are certainly moral laws and biblical principles that all Christian men must submit to if they want to pursue a woman in a way that pleases the Lord. But again, there is not a step-by-step plan laid out in Scripture.
Perhaps this is the case because each woman will need certain things from the man to feel loved and valued. The needs you have are going to be slightly different than the needs other women have. While no man is going to pursue you exactly the way you want, the man God has for you will pursue you in the way that you need to be pursued (Proverbs 25:11).
For example, some women will need a man to take it really slow. If he’s too confident in his love for her right away, this might scare her off and make her question if he’s taking things seriously. However, for other women, if a man was taking it very slowly with her, she might feel unloved and that he is not taking this serious enough. Some women will want a man to be very confident in their love early on so they know they are not getting their hopes up for a guy who’s just playing games.
Ephesians 4:29 states, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” There are situations that require different words. God will lead the man he has for you to speak what is necessary for you to know he’s the one.
2. You Will Know You’ve Met Your Future Husband Because God Will Lead This Man to Receive the Love You Are Offering Him
When God leads a man to pursue you in the way that you need to be pursued, I’m not saying God is going to completely change a man so he will be just right for you. Rather, I’m saying God will pair you with a man who is already designed by God in such a way where he will do things that connect well with you. Again, no one is perfect and we will all be growing. But big picture, you will mesh well with how he wants to pursue you and love you.
Philippians 2:4 states, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” This is a command to all Christians, so we should all try to do this with each other. However, on a practical level when it comes to expressing this verse in a romantic relationship between two Christians, it will be easier or harder for the couple based upon how they are wired. Some people make sense to each other. Other people just don’t.
When you meet the right man God has for you, this man will be properly designed to receive love from you in the way that God designed you to give love. Compromise will be necessary. But, for example, if he needs words of affirmation and you are just not the type of person who likes to use their words very often because you prefer acts of service, this could be a problem.
Big picture, you will know you’ve met the right man when he is willing and happy to receive the love from you in the way that you are able to offer it to him.
3. You Will Know You’ve Met Your Future Husband Because God Will Lead This Man to Prioritize You as His Most Important Partner in Life
God wants all Christians to have many different important people in their lives. However, when you get married, God does call a husband and wife to have a special bond with each other that is exclusive to just them (Genesis 2:23-24).
While a man should not treat you as his wife until you two are officially married, you will begin to realize this man is your future husband when you can see the evidence that he will be able to prioritize you as his most important partner in life.
If you’re a Christian single woman who wants more information on how to meet the man God has for her, you may want to read my new book. It’s called Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You.