Psalm 139:16 states, “. . . all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” And Romans 8:28 proclaims, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
God has a good plan for your life, but when you are single and want to be married with no hope in sight, it can be hard to feel all these amazing truths about the love of God. One of the keys to remaining faithful and full of hope even when you are not sure what will happen is to trust in God’s sovereignty.
So here are 3 signs God is calling you to put more of your trust in his sovereign plan for your future marriage.
1. A Plan Formed Out of Panic Is a Sign God Is Calling You to Put More Trust in His Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage
Don’t get me wrong, none of us can fully know God’s individual plan for each of our lives. Some people who desire to be married will not get to experience this blessing because has other blessings for them which he knows will bring him more glory.
But for most who desire to be married, God will allow them to get married one day. The “one day” part of that statement, however, is the part that can create the most problems for us. In an effort to receive that blessing we really want, we can often grow impatient and panicky. Eventually these negative emotions get so intense we will start to look for relief to ease our growing fears. We begin to form plans and strategies that will helps us get what we want.
My point here is not to condemn making wise plans that will help you meet someone to marry. I have hundreds of videos on this very topic. The danger is when we form these plans out of a place of fear rather than out of faith in God.
The motive behind the plan will actually shape the plan as well. A plan to meet someone to marry that is formed out of fear and panic will lead to compromising situations and sin. A plan formed out of trust and patience, however, can be used by God for good in your life.
So if you have found yourself forming plans out of a place of fear and panic to meet someone, this is a sign God is calling you to trust his sovereign plan more. You may not know God’s plan right now, but when you know that God has a good plan for your life, even though you don’t know what that plan is, just knowing that God actually has a plan will erase your fear and allow you to live with confidence that God has everything under his control, including your future marriage.
2. If You Are Being Tempted to Settle or You Feel Tempted to Date an Unbeliever, This Is a Sign God Is Calling You to Put More Trust in His Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage
Nothing good happens when we start doubting God. When we begin to question the biblical truth that God always has our best interest in mind, this loss of faith will lead to faithless living.
When it comes to relationships and the desire to be married as a Christian, one of the main temptations that Satan will try to use against you is to tempt you to date someone you know God does not want you to date.
The world is not lacking relationship options. The world is lacking godly relationship options. It’s not hard to get into a relationship on this planet. What’s hard is to get into a good relationship that is full of mutual respect, love, and biblical standards. If you are willing to have premarital sex, live in darkness, and worship someone else, then you can probably get into a relationship pretty quick. But you will reap what you sow and your life will be completely miserable if you do this.
So don’t be fooled by all the opportunities for a relationship out in the world. They are lies. They are poison wrapped up in beautiful wrapping paper. Don’t open that box in your life. When you get into an unequally yoked relationship, all you are doing is minimizing your chance to meet someone God actually wants you with.
3. If You Are Just at a Complete Loss of What to Do Next to Meet Your Future Spouse, This Is a Sign God Is Telling You to Trust His Sovereignty More
I’m a big believer in living wisely. I’ve seen countless Christian singles benefitted by stepping out in faith, making a plan, and actually doing something in their life to change things. No one will ever get into a relationship who just waits and waits but refuses to follow God in faith when he tells them to move.
With that said, many people begin to feel like a failure when they are still single even though they’ve tried to change this through taking action steps in faith. Sometimes despite the best of plans and despite having all the faith in the world, you might still remain single for longer than you want.
And then you get to this place where you just don’t know what else you can possibly do. You’ve tried to date a friend, you’ve tried to meet new people at church, you’ve tried fasting, you’ve tried praying for years and years, you’ve tried the online dating options, but no matter what you do nothing seems to work.
Despair is knocking at the door. But this is when you have to do the only thing left to do – trust. When you know what God is doing, you are not really trusting God. When you can see the future plans laid out for you, you really don’t need to have faith. But when you are at a complete loss and you can’t see the way forward, this is when true trust is needed. For as Hebrews 11:1 teaches us, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
So if you can’t see the way forward, this is a sign God is calling you to have faith in him. God is sovereign. He has a plan. You just have to remain faithful along the journey towards the destination he has for you.
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