Here are 4 things Satan will do when you meet the one God wants you to marry.
Also, I wanted to briefly mention that enrollment for AGW University is now available through November 11th to November 21st. I’m currently offering a $50 scholarship for anyone who enrolls before this deadline (Use Code: 50SCHOLARSHIP).
AGW University is where I offer the next level of my relationship training. If you’ve been enjoying the content on this website, you will really love the more in-depth biblical relationship courses I’ve created specifically for Christian singles who want to be married one day.
It doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 80, man or woman, never dated or dated a lot. There’s only three requirements you need if you want to enroll in these courses: first, you have to be a Christian. If you don’t care what the Bible says, these courses won’t benefit you. Two, you have to be single. If you are dating someone already or married, these courses are not for you. And three, you have to want to be married one day. Many Christian singles are content to be single, which is great. But I made these courses for those of you who know you want to be married and you also want to do what you can in singleness to prepare well for your future marriage.
This isn’t a good fit for everyone. Some of you really don’t need this. But if you feel stuck, hurt from past wounds, unprepared to meet the one, confused about relationships, or like you just want to try something different, this might be exactly what you need.
There’s a lot more to say about this unique opportunity, but for the sake of time, I encourage you to simply click here if you want to learn more.
1. When You Meet The One, Satan Will Try to Tempt You to Idolize This Person So You Will One Day Demonize Them
When God sovereignly ordains something to happen, Satan can’t do anything to stop it. If God wants you to marry a certain person, God will empower you and this person to take the necessary steps to make this marriage occur.
With that said, while Satan may not be able to stop this relationship from happening, that doesn’t mean he is never going to attack this relationship. For example, while Satan first of all wants to prevent someone from becoming a Christian, after that person does become a Christian he attacks them so they do not glorify God as much as they could. Likewise, even if you do marry the person God wants for you, Satan will still attack you in the meeting and dating season to try to prevent you both from glorifying God as much as you could.
One way he will do this is by tempting you to idolize this person. When a relationship is going great and it is truly glorifying to God, Satan may not try to ruin it with hardships but rather he may try to get you to enjoy it too much. In other words, Satan will try to ruin good things in our lives by tempting us to make them the ultimate thing in our lives.
But whenever we idolize something, that idol always lets us down eventually because when our hearts are looking for a god to worship, we won’t be satisfied until we find the one true God. Everything else fails us. When this happens with our idols, we then become hurt and disappointed by these let downs. This is where Satan then tempts you to swing to demonization. Instead of this person being the best person ever, after a few years of marriage you will start to believe the lie that they are the worst person ever.
You can always know how much you idolized someone by how angry you get at them when you realize they are not perfect like you thought they were. As the old saying goes, “The higher they fly, the harder they fall.”
When you meet the one, avoid idolizing them. You may enjoy this idol now in singleness, but eventually this person will let you down because they are not perfect like Jesus. Even if this person is really the one, if you let this relationship take God’s place in your heart it will be a struggle down the road.
As 1 John 5:20-21 states, “He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”
2. When You Meet The One, Satan Will Try to Diminish Your Joy in Marriage By Tempting You to Pursue Covenant Pleasures in Singleness
Another way Satan will try to plant seeds of discord in your future marriage is by tempting you two in singleness and dating to enjoy marriage privileges without the marriage commitment.
Intimacy without commitment leads to emotional insecurity. When you give someone too much without requiring the necessary commitment to rightly protect the gifts you are giving, your heart often becomes worried that you have made a mistake.
Rushing a relationship is bad even when you really have met the person God wants you to marry because this impatience then makes you doubt that you are doing the right thing. But when you take your time and you respect the phase you are in rather than jumping ahead, you are then creating a healthy foundation you can trust in when hard things happen in the future.
Satan wants you to share too much, he wants you to rush your singleness and dating, and he wants you to have premarital sex. Even if you really have met the one, if you do these things before marriage, you two will have to deal with issues you could have avoided if you respected God’s guidance and biblical commands.
The devil always wants you to ignore the example in Psalm 119:29-30, “Put false ways far from me and graciously teach me your law! I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your rules before me.”
3. When You Meet The One, Satan Will Try to Make Things Harder Than They Need to Be By Tempting You to Worry
One of the hardest things you will experience when you actually meet the one is the unknown of whether or not this person really is the one God has for you. Many times you will think someone is the one, but then in time God will show you that they are not. While there are many signs and biblical indications that will be present when the Lord is revealing your future spouse to you, in the end, you really do need to just wait and see what happens. If you two don’t get married, this person was not the one.
Obviously this season of waiting is difficult, and Satan will try to use this difficult season against you. He will tempt you to worry and to indulge in unnecessary anxiety. If your worries don’t ever actually happen, even if you actually end up with this person you are fearful of losing, the anxiety and fear during this season of unknowns will put unhealthy stress on you, your relationship with this person, and on your walk with God. As 1 Peter 5:6-7 states:
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
God will accomplish his will for you and your future spouse “at the proper time,” so you must not be anxious about this because God cares for you. The devil will try to hurt you and diminish your glorification of God by using your anxiety against you.
4. When You Meet The One, Satan Will Tempt You to Love This Person More Than God
God wants us to love others. When God made Adam, he said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him,” (Genesis 2:18). God didn’t say this with hurt feelings. He’s not threatened by your desire for a spouse. He’s the one how made those who are called to marriage to want to be married (1 Corinthians 7:7).
But sin occurs when we love anything more than we love God. Satan tempted Adam to sin by tempting him to choose Eve over God. There was a moment when Eve had taken the fruit but Adam hadn’t. Adam made the choice to put Eve over God.
Likewise, never put your future spouse over God. Just as God gave Eve to Adam, God desires to bless many of you with a spouse too. But when we love anything more than God, sin occurs and pain increases. Resist the devil’s schemes and let your relationship with the one bring glory to God rather than take glory from God.
When you love God more than anyone, it will free you to enjoy “the one” in the way that God wants you to enjoy this person.
And if you are a Christian single person who wants to learn deep biblical information that will help you get ready to meet the person God wants you to marry one day, I would recommend visiting AGW University. By clicking here, you will get the $50 scholarship and you can check out all the course content before deciding if enrolling is right for you.