Here are six Bible verses that talk about relationships that Christians often misuse.
How to Hear God: An In-Depth Bible Study
Have you ever asked, “How can I hear God’s voice? How can I know what God is saying to me so I can make the right decision? Which way am I supposed to go, Lord?”
How to Really Hear the Voice of God and Know It’s Truly Him
How can you hear God’s voice? When there’s a big decision to make in life, you want nothing more than to simply know for certain what the Lord is actually saying to you.
5 Extremely Easy Ways to Receive a Sign from God
Do you need a sign from God? Perhaps you are asking God what you should do about a certain person you really want to be in a relationship with. Or maybe you are wondering if you should move to another state for a career opportunity. Or perhaps you are having conflict with someone and you don’t know what you should do.
5 Curses God Promises to Use on Those Who Attack His People
In Genesis 12:2-3, God said to Abraham, the father of Israel, “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Will God Tell You to Marry Someone You Don’t Love Like He Did to Hosea?
Over the years, people have pointed to the book of Hosea and asked me, “Is that evidence that God could make me marry someone I don’t want to marry?”
5 Things You Will See When God Is Trying to Warn You About Something
Are you just getting cold feet about this relationship, or is God trying to say something to you? Are you just nervous about starting a new job, or is God telling you to stay at your current place of employment? Are you just being paranoid, or is that bad feeling you got from the Lord?
5 Biblical Rules to Help You Accurately Hear the Voice of God
Without Christ saving us by grace and through faith, and without the Holy Spirit entering into us, none of us can ever hear God properly no matter what rules we follow. As 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 states:
3 Things God Wants You to Do to Receive His Promise to You
If you want to receive what God has promised to you in the most biblical way possible, here are 3 things you must do.