In Genesis 12:2-3, God said to Abraham, the father of Israel, “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
3 Reasons God Is Not Revealing The One to You
Are you asking God to reveal your future spouse to you? Or perhaps you did think God told you who you would marry, but then it didn’t work out. Wouldn’t life just be so much easier if God simply told you who your person was?
4 Things that Happen When Satan Is Tempting You to Settle
One way Satan tries to prevent marriages that glorify the Lord is by tempting Christians to settle. Is this happening to you?
4 Reasons God Is Not Removing Your Feelings for a Woman
What is God saying to a man who has strong feelings for a woman that are not going away? Is this a sign God wants this man to wait for this woman? Or is something else going on?
5 Things a Good Man Will Never Do When He Has Feelings for You
Besides Jesus, there is no human who is totally good in every way (Romans 3:10-12). Therefore, when you hear me use the phrase “a good man,” you have to keep that in context. I’m not saying there is a perfect man out there who will never make mistakes with you. However, there certainly are men who are repenting of sin and seeking to please the Lord compared to worldly men who love their sin.
4 Signs You’ve Met the Right Man at the Wrong Time
If you are a Christian woman who desires to be in a God-honoring marriage one day, is it possible to meet the right guy but at the wrong time?
3 Reasons God Is Not Taking Away Your Strong Feelings for Someone
Do you have really strong feelings for someone that you are not in a relationship with? Perhaps you really like this person but for whatever reason you haven’t been given the chance to date them. Or maybe you did date them, it didn’t work out, and yet you still have really strong emotions about this person?
4 Biblical Marks of a Good Woman Sent By God
No human is absolutely good except Jesus Christ himself (Romans 3:23). However, according to Scripture, there are people who are walking with God and then there are people who are following Satan (John 8:42-44).
4 Reasons God Is Not Telling You If You’re Called to Singleness or Marriage
According to Scripture, it’s very clear that both singleness and marriage are equally good callings from the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:7). It’s more complicated, however, to know which one God has called you to.
5 Signs You Were Never Truly in Love to Begin with
Were you in a relationship that started out strong but then went bad really fast? Or are you currently in a relationship that you are having second thoughts about?