How to Meet Your Husband According to the Bible

Proverbs 16:3

Here are 7 biblical ways a Christian single woman can meet her future husband.

And if you haven’t heard, there’s only a few more days left to get my newest book at the special launch price. This book is called Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You.

If you want biblical information on how to invite a man’s pursuit, this book is for you. This book is just $5.99 until 10/13/24. The regular price will be $15.99. Click here to learn more!

1. Become the One for the Type of Man You Want to Marry

While a Christian woman should have a healthy list of requirements for the guy she hopes to marry one day, she must spend even more time on herself so she would be a good fit for the type of man she desires to be with one day.

Men and women are attracted to each other. However, generally speaking, the man’s attraction is meant to lead him towards action and pursuit. And I’m not just talking about physical attraction. When a man sees a woman’s beautiful character, this will make him want to pursue her.

So one of the best things you can do is be attractive in the ways that would inspire a godly man to want to pursue you (1 Peter 3:1-7).

2. Develop the Qualities of a Godly Wife Through Practice in Your Other Relationships

Point 1 is basically about developing the godly characteristics of a Christian wife as defined by the Bible. A man with the godly characteristics of a husband will naturally want to be in a complementarian relationship so you two would make a great pair.

But how is this done? Reading the Bible and prayer are essential. You won’t know what the Bible says and what the Lord is saying if you neglect the word and spending time in God’s presence. However, to really develop relationship skills, you have to practice them.

As a single woman, you don’t have a husband to practice with. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t practice. The submission, respect, love, gentleness, work ethic, and all the other qualities that define a godly woman should also be expressed in other parts of her life besides marriage.

As you love your parents, pastors, friends, coworkers, and other people in your life, God will use these experiences to also help develop your relationship muscles needed for your future marriage (1 Timothy 4:15, Philippians 1:9).

3. Don’t Waste Time with the Wrong Guys

It’s easy to fall for the lie, “I still have so much time.” Sure, if you have breath in your lungs, there is time to obey God’s will for your life. But there is always negative consequence when you waste time doing things that are not pleasing to the Lord (Galatians 6:7).

It’s never going to get easier to meet a godly man than it is right now. Nothing is impossible with God. But practically speaking, getting married to a godly man gets harder and harder to do as time goes on.

If you are wasting time with the wrong guy, you are also delaying your future marriage or creating an environment where you will never get married to a godly man.

4. Don’t Waste Time Hiding in Fear

Some Christian women refuse to date godless men they know they will never marry, which is very good. However, some of these women are just saying no all the time and they have not learned to also say yes to the right guys.

I’ve seen a trend with some women that is very damaging and hurtful. For decades, a woman may lie to herself and say, “I think I’m fine being single. If marriage happens, great. But I’d also be okay with being single.” However, later in life, many of these women are faced with the reality of their desires and they conclude, “Actually, I really do want to get married and have a children one day.” But after wasting decades in apathy, it’s a lot harder to meet someone.

Again, nothing is impossible with God. But never lie to yourself. If you want to be married, be honest about it and don’t waste time hiding in fear.

Of course we must all be content in Jesus regardless of whether we get married or not (Philippians 4:4). However, it’s untrue that you must be happy with being single. You can want to be married and still be fully content in Jesus. God isn’t afraid of the desires he’s placed within you (1 Corinthians 7:7). If he’s given you a desire to pursue marriage, don’t pretend like he hasn’t.

5. Live Your Life in Such a Way Where a Godly Man Can See You

As I unpack in my book, Invite Him, one of the primary moves God used to bring Ruth and Boaz together was when Ruth left Moab and came to Bethlehem (Ruth 1:22).

There is a lot of spiritual symbolism here when talking about meeting your future husband. When you study Moab and Bethlehem in the Bible, these two places are extremely different. Moab was historically godless while Bethlehem was much godlier. Thus, when Ruth left her godless home and moved to a much godlier place, it was very natural for her to meet Boaz there.

Likewise, you have to place yourself in areas where a godly man would naturally be.

6. Learn to Bring Joy to People

According to the Bible, one of the defining differences between a bad wife and a good wife is the that a bad wife brings misery (Proverbs 21:19) to her husband while a good wife brings joy to him (Proverbs 18:22).

A complaining single woman will be a complaining married woman. An unhappy single woman will be an unhappy married woman. A selfish single woman will be a selfish married woman. You get the point!

A godly man knows this. Thus, when he sees you bringing people joy wherever you go, he’s going to want to pursue you.

7. Help Him Find You

Big picture, as a Christian woman, you have to adopt the mindset that your future husband needs your help.

For too long, Christian women have been taught, “Just wait for the man to pursue.” Yes, the man must pursue, but you must not “just” wait. You must not be passive. You have an active role to play, and if you don’t play it, there are negative consequences that will occur.

In Genesis 2:18, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” This truth applies to you and your future husband meeting and marrying each other. He must pursue you and you must invite him to pursue you. He really does need your help to find you!

This is why I wrote my new book, Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You. God’s word says so much about this important topic of a wife helping her future husband find her. By going through the book of Ruth verse-by-verse, you will gain an immense amount of information that can directly assist you in meeting the man God wants you to marry one day.

So if you’re interested in this unique Bible study, now is the perfect time to get a copy. It is just $5.99 until 10/13/2024. After that, it will be $15.99.

Click here to learn more!