Should a Trump Voter Date a Harris Voter According to the Bible?

2 Corinthians 6:14

Whenever we have a specific question that is not directly mentioned in the Bible, we must apply relevant biblical principles in a wise way.

So in regard to our question, “Should a Trump or Harris voter date someone who is voting differently than them?” here are 4 biblical ideas to consider.

1. The Bible Mentions Marriage, Not Dating

I talk a lot about Christian dating from a biblical perspective. One of the most common remarks I get is, “But the Bible doesn’t talk about dating. So how can you give biblical dating advice?”

The Bible is not an encyclopedia where you can look up any topic and read a paragraph or two. The Bible doesn’t talk about nuclear warfare, the stock market, or autism. However, the Bible does give us many principles and truths that can directly inform our views on these (and all other) important topics (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

It’s also helpful to remember that when the Bible doesn’t mention something, that also means it has not directly forbidden this thing either. Thus, we must use biblical principles to decide whether it is good or bad to practice.

With that said, I believe dating can be used in a biblical way when used in the pursuit of finding a husband or wife. If you are dating just to date, I think that leads to temptation and sin.

So in regards to dating someone from the opposite political party, you really need to ask if you could marry this person. If you know this person’s political differences are so great that you two would be a terrible husband and wife together and unable to raise children together in a unified way, you should not waste your time dating this person.

2. The Bible Says Christians Should Be Equally Yoked

When the Bible says a Christian must be equally yoked, it doesn’t mean you must only link with people who think and feel in the exact same ways as you. Rather, it’s really talking about your Christian faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14).

As Christians, I don’t think we should judge someone’s salvation based upon their political ideology. However, if someone does not profess Jesus as Lord, you are not biblically free to date or marry that person.

Of course, like you, I have strong convictions and my personal opinions make me wonder how a real Christian can vote differently than me on important issues. But biblically and objectively, I believe it’s unwise to judge someone’s salvation based upon who they vote for since only God truly knows the heart (1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 21:2).

Rather, ask them about Jesus. That will give you a very clear picture of their heart (Romans 10:9).

3. The Bible Says Christians Should Seek Peace and Not Pursue Arguments

While voting Democrat or Republican is not the mark of a true Christian, who you vote for does reveal that your worldview is very unlike someone who has voted differently than you.

At this point in American history, there is an extreme difference between the political right and the political left. The current issues at stake are so monumental, the positions taken on these issues are so polar opposite of each other, and the belief systems that lead to these political views are so contradictory to each other, I think to date someone from the opposite political party would be a disaster when it comes to seeking peace in your own life.

Romans 12:18 states, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” When it’s not possible for you to live at peace with someone, you should seek to avoid them to be at peace. As a society, we need to be able to function in public together and be respectful. But to press the social bond between people with ultra-different political views creates an environment where peace is not possible. Separation is sometimes the only path to peace.

With that in mind, it would be biblically unwise to date someone who votes differently than you in this current election because it would be extremely difficult to live at peace with someone who has such a different worldview (2 Timothy 2:23).

4. The Bible Says a Christian Should Seek a Partner Who Can Serve the Lord with Them

If Christian dating should be used to pursue marriage, we have to remember what the purpose of marriage is. According to Ephesians 5:21-33, a husband and wife are supposed to glorify the Lord by representing the love relationship between Christ and his church. They are meant to be partners who can serve the Lord together.

Since the political spectrum has become so wide between Democrats and Republicans, I think it’s extremely unlikely that a man and woman who would vote differently in this election could make a healthy Christian union together.

I think this is one of those issues we all have to make our own conclusions about since the Bible obviously doesn’t mention Republicans or Democrats.

But in my view, for the reasons I mentioned in this article, I believe it would be unbiblical for a Trump voter or a Harris voter to date each other.

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