Is it a sin for a woman to make the first move? Is it wise or will it scare a man off because it’s too pushy? Is a woman taking matters into her own hands and not trusting God if she does something proactive to be in a relationship with a man?
Before we jump into these 12 biblical green flags you should see in someone before dating them, I think this is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of “the perfection trap.” The perfection trap is when we start being so idealistic that we can never find anyone who will live up to our expectations.
Why did God allow you to lose a relationship with someone that you really loved? If God is all powerful and all loving, couldn’t he have made the relationship work rather than letting it all fall apart? We know we have free will and we can’t blame God for our bad choices, but what if we didn’t do anything wrong? And if we did do something wrong, why didn’t he stop us?