What should you do if you like someone but they like someone else? What should you do if you like someone but they do not like you back? Lastly, what should you do if you like someone who has a girlfriend or boyfriend already?
What should you do if you like someone but they like someone else? What should you do if you like someone but they do not like you back? Lastly, what should you do if you like someone who has a girlfriend or boyfriend already?
A sermon on James 5:13-20 can take many forms. Today, I would like to view James 5:13-20 through the lens of “How to pray with power.”
There is so much I will not be able to cover in this sermon because James 5:13-20 is just so rich. But by going verse by verse through this Bible passage, I believe we can point to at least 3 ways to have more power in prayer.
How do I know if I am truly saved by God? This is a right and good question to ask because throughout the Bible each Christian is told to examine and test themselves. You must know if you are saved for sure or not.
So what is the test of salvation?