When someone says, “I don’t have any regrets in life,” this is usually not a healthy sign. If we don’t have regrets because we are too prideful to admit that we’ve done anything wrong, this is simply sinful, delusional thinking (Ephesians 2:3).
Some men who want to be married will remain single. That’s a different topic than what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about a man’s choice to intentionally remain single and not pursue a relationship with a woman that leads to marriage.
Perhaps you were doing just fine in your singleness, but then you met someone new and an intense wave of unmet longing came rushing over you. Or maybe you dated someone years ago, but for some reason you’ve been thinking about them a lot lately.
Can single men and single women really be just friends? Sure, it’s possible. It happens sometimes. But in the vast majority of cases, they either both like each other and are just waiting for the right time to become something more, or one of them has feelings but the other does not.
When it comes to questions about God’s will for your purpose, calling, or career, the first step is to know what these words actually mean from a biblical perspective.