4 Biblical Reasons a Woman Struggles to Connect with a Godly Man

Ephesians 5:33

There is not a specific chapter in the Bible that will point out all the possible reasons for why a woman may be struggling to connect with a godly man. However, wanting to connect with a godly man is a good and biblical desire; thus, we can be sure the Holy Spirit will use the Scriptures to direct a Christian woman on how to best make this type of connection. Continue reading 4 Biblical Reasons a Woman Struggles to Connect with a Godly Man

5 Extremely Easy Ways to Receive a Sign from God

Psalm 32:8

Do you need a sign from God? Perhaps you are asking God what you should do about a certain person you really want to be in a relationship with. Or maybe you are wondering if you should move to another state for a career opportunity. Or perhaps you are having conflict with someone and you don’t know what you should do. Continue reading 5 Extremely Easy Ways to Receive a Sign from God

4 Fears God Will Make You Overcome Before Letting You Get Married

Galatians 1:10

There are certainly times where God will lead two Christians to get married even when they still have unhealthy fears in their lives. You don’t need to be perfect to get married. God often uses our relationship with our spouse to further our sanctification. Continue reading 4 Fears God Will Make You Overcome Before Letting You Get Married

3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Will Give You the New Once You Let Go of the Old”

Isaiah 43:18-19

Have you been praying for a new relationship, a new source of income, or a new pattern of godly living? If you are clinging to an old relationship in your heart, an old mindset that is preventing productivity, or an old habit that is creating temptation, you will be unable to receive the new from the Lord. Continue reading 3 Signs God Is Saying, “I Will Give You the New Once You Let Go of the Old”

4 Biblical Marks of a Friend with Demonic Influence Sent to Attack You

Ephesians 2:1-2

The most dangerous enemy is the one camouflaged by friendship. Satan knows this. To get behind the castle walls, he will always look for a traitor who’s already inside. Even with Jesus, Satan used Judas (John 13:27), one of Jesus’ own disciples. Continue reading 4 Biblical Marks of a Friend with Demonic Influence Sent to Attack You