As we study and apply Ruth 1:19, we can see at least 3 biblical ways God can lead a woman to help her future husband find her.
This content comes from Rule 3 in my new book, Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You. For more information about this unique line-by-line Bible study for Christian single women who want to be married to a godly man, click here.
1. If You Want Your Godly Husband to Find You, Go Where God’s People Are
Ruth 1:19, “So the two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem. And when they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them. And the women said, ‘Is this Naomi?’”
At this point in the story, all the husbands have died. Ruth was from Moab but she was following her mother-in-law, Naomi, back to Bethlehem. For point 1, let’s focus on that first sentence in Ruth 1:19, “So the two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem.”
If you want to meet a godly man, you have to be logical about where you spend your time. Compared to Moab, Bethlehem was a much more logical place to find a man who worshiped the one true God.
The Moabites were a godless people and Moab was a godless place (Numbers 25:1-5). Notice what Naomi said to Ruth when she urged her not to come with her, “See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods . . .” (Ruth 1:15). But Ruth responded, “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16).
When Naomi told Ruth to go back to her people and to her gods, it was a direct link to the location Ruth was choosing to live in. By staying in Moab, she was staying with godless people and false gods. To accomplish her promise to be of the same people as Naomi and to worship the same God as Naomi, Ruth actually had to go somewhere new. She couldn’t make the Jews her people and God her God by staying in Moab.
And yet, this is what many people think they can do when they become a Christian. They confess Jesus as Lord and thus are saying they want to make God’s people their people, but they stay in their current godless community and never participate with the family of God.
You actually have to go to new places in the physical world. Your change cannot just be in your mind and attitude when you become a true Christian. I’m not saying you need to move to a new city or change your address. However, you do have to change who you spend your time with (2 Timothy 2:22). To change who you spend your time with, you often need to literally go to new locations to meet new people.
You’re not going to find a godly man at the club. You’re not going to find a godly man hanging out with your worldly friends. It’s highly unlikely you randomly meet a Christian man in a secular place like your gym or local stores.
You have to be logical about this. Yes, God is in control; but he’s given you a mind for a reason. I discuss practical places and strategies you can use to meet godly men in my book, Invite Him. But for now, start with the question, “Where would a godly man spend his time?”
By spending your time in places like that too, you are helping your future husband find you.
2. Help Your Future Husband Find You By Leveraging the Good Connections You Do Have
Ruth 1:19, “So the two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem.”
I love that phrase “the two of them went.” Ruth didn’t have many godly influences in her life. She had one.
Without Naomi, Ruth would never have gone to Bethlehem. Without going to Bethlehem, Ruth would never have met Boaz.
If you are someone who struggles to go to new places and interact with new people, try to think of a friend who doesn’t have this issue. Just by being around them, you naturally meet new people and experience new things as well. And in the process, you get a lot better at socializing yourself because you are witnessing someone model this for you and you are getting more practice. Before you know it, you will be comfortable enough to branch out on your own without your friend by your side.
If you literally have no one in your life who knows Jesus, then you will need to walk alone until God brings other healthy Christians into your life. However, in most cases, Christians do know other Christians. Even if you are not best friends with that person who’s coming to your mind right now, it’s wise to work with what you have. Perhaps you and this person become better friends. Perhaps by hanging out with this friend more often, you meet other new friends that you click with better.
The more Christian connections you have, the more likely you will meet a godly man one day.
3. Help Your Future Husband Find You By Getting Involved with God’s People and By Making an Impact
Ruth 1:19, “And when they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them.”
One common mistake I see is that people go to new places but they don’t really get involved. They may visit a new church to meet someone new, but they sit in the back and then leave quietly. When they get in their car and drive home, they say to themselves, “Well that was a waste of time.”
Notice that Ruth didn’t visit Bethlehem. She moved there. She was all in. She instantly made an impact, “the whole town was stirred because of them” (Ruth 1:19). By the time her and Boaz verbally made their intentions clear, Ruth had already assimilated into Boaz’s community, “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman” (Ruth 3:11). She didn’t wait at home. She went out into the fields with the other women, she spent time in Boaz’s field, and she worked hard in public (Ruth 2:8).
In fact, not only did she do these things, but she went out there and networked and initiated these things. No one knocked on her door and asked, “Hey Ruth, do you want to work in the fields with us today?” When Boaz asked his manager who she was, the young man reported, “She said, ‘Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves after the reapers.’ So she came, and she has continued from early morning until now, except for a short rest” (Ruth 2:7). Notice the man reported that “she said” this.
Ruth went out, she verbally interacted with new people, she made a memorable impact, and she didn’t sit on her hands waiting for the man of her dreams to find her (Ruth 2:3).
If you want to help your future husband find you, you can’t just go to new places. You also have to get involved and leave your mark.
For the sake of time, I had to cut out a lot of content from Rule 3 in my new book, Invite Him. If you want to read more about Ruth’s journey to helping Boaz find her so you can apply these principles to your life, feel free to click here, Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You.
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