Here are 3 signs that often mean God is saying, “Let them miss you.”
1. If You Love Someone but They Have Been Taking Advantage of Your Kindness, God May Lead You to Leave Them for a Bit So They Can Miss You and Respect You
Even if you really love someone and you believe they love you too, the relationship can’t work without mutual respect. Sometimes two people get so comfortable that one of them starts taking the other one for granted.
While it’s not necessary to instantly leave someone when they start taking advantage of your loyalty and kindness, it can come to this if they do not take your warnings seriously. Start by communicating your concern (Matthew 18:15). If they still don’t fix the issue, then distance yourself a bit so they know there is something wrong. If they still do not change their misbehavior towards you, then you may need to leave them (Proverbs 4:23).
If they never repent and never even try to do better, you should fully let them go in your heart and move on. But sometimes your absence will awaken their love for you in a healthy way where they truly want to change.
Either way, if this person is taking advantage of your kindness, you may need to leave them so they can miss you and come to respect you again.
2. If You’ve Been Friends with This Person but You Want Something More, You May Need to Let Them Miss You If They Are Not Currently Romantically Interested in You
I’m a big supporter of trying to date a friend if you have feelings for this person. Why? Because the ingredients that make a good friendship are a great foundation for a healthy romantic relationship between a man and woman (Proverbs 31:30, 1 Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:21-33).
Yes, if it doesn’t work out the friendship will never be the same. But that is a risk worth taking since your friendship is not going to last anyways. If you two don’t start dating, one of you will eventually start dating another person anyways and then get married, which will then change your friendship since you won’t be two single people anymore.
So is everything lost if you share your feelings with your friend but he or she does not immediately reciprocate? In most cases, this will not change and you should accept this is not going to work out. However, the best chance of this person changing their feelings towards you is for you to give them distance. When you let them miss their friendship with you, it may help them realize they do like you as more than a friend.
If they never come to this realization, they will miss your friendship but then they will get over it and move on with their life. So either way, if you like a friend who does not like you back, you should move on and let them miss you rather than just trying to remain friends forever.
3. If Someone Is Making You Wait Too Long, God May Tell You to Let Them Miss You
Sometimes two people really connect but the timing is just off. Sometimes people really do need more time before they are ready to give a deeper commitment. And sometimes one person’s clock is just much slower than the other person’s clock.
With that said, you can’t wait forever (James 2:17). Even if you really like this person and they keep giving you a little bit of hope to keep waiting for them, waiting is not your final solution. In fact, letting someone miss you might be the final push that they need to stop waiting and finally commit.
If they are willing to lose you once you start to let them miss you, it’s a sign they were never going to commit to you anyways. But when someone truly loves you and senses they are missing their chance with you, they will do something about this rather than just watching you go.
So again, when there’s no other option, sometimes the best thing you can do is to just let them miss you.
And for those of you who have purchased my new book, Christ-Centered Dating, and for those of you who will purchase this book at some point, I’m giving you 5 of my other books (in PDF) for free and access to a private Facebook group where you can interact with other Christian singles who also believe in the biblical relationship principles I unpack in Christ-Centered Dating.
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Within this group, you will get to:
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- Fellowship with other Christian singles who also believe in the biblical principles about relationships outlined in the book, Christ-Centered Dating.
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The 5 free books included in this offer are:
- The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness
- Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation
- 10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship
- Never Quit: 5 Dynamic Prayer Lessons from Luke 18:1-8
- Basic Transformation: A Bible Study on Christian Transformation
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