If you are a Christian single woman who is called to marriage, here are 4 biblical ways God will reveal you to your future husband so he knows you’re his future wife.
1. God Will Use the Scriptures to Confirm to Your Future Husband that You Are Indeed His Future Wife
I’m talking to Christian women who are choosing not to compromise in order to get married. I’m talking to women who would rather be single than married to a man who doesn’t love Jesus. If that is you, this means you want to marry a man who is following the Lord with all of his heart. And if a man is doing this, he will be reading his Bible regularly, consulting the word so he knows how to please the Lord.
Therefore, God will absolutely use the Scriptures to direct this man to his future wife. When this man reads what the Scriptures say about marriage (Ephesians 5:21-33, 1 Peter 3:1-6, 1 Corinthians 7, and many other places), God will use this information to confirm that you are the right woman for him. He will see how you are willing to fulfill the biblical role of a wife and that you want him to fulfill the biblical role of a husband.
2. God Will Use His Spirit to Confirm to Your Future Husband that You Are Indeed His Future Wife
While God will always use the Bible to direct his people, Scripture itself states that the Holy Spirit will also direct Christians. In John 14:26, Jesus said, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
As we keep in step with the Spirit, the Spirit will lead us on how to live (Galatians 5:25). Thus, when a Christian man is searching for a Christian wife, the Holy Spirit will bring him confirmation in his heart when he meets the right woman.
Of course this will take place over a process. But when you meet the man God has for you, the Holy Spirit will be speaking to this man about you, giving him a peace about you that will help this man know you really are the right woman for him.
3. God Will Use the Circumstances to Confirm to Your Future Husband that You Are Indeed His Future Wife
God is sovereign over everything (Psalm 115:3). Times, places, and people are ultimately governed by the will of God. We still have free will, we still can rebel and do things God does not want us to do, but in the end, the will of God always occurs (Proverbs 19:21).
Thus, when a Christian man is looking for his future wife, he will know that God will have to open certain doors that only he can open. He will know that God will have to put you in this man’s path, God will have to open your heart to this man, and God will have to arrange for you two to be together in practical ways.
When your two roads converge in ways that are not possible unless God was intervening, this is one way your future husband will know God is leading him to pursue you and marry you one day. As Psalm 139:16 explains, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”
4. God Will Use You to Confirm to Your Future Husband that You Are Indeed His Future Wife
Yes, your future husband will need to pursue you. He will need to hear from God on his own that you are indeed the woman God wants him to marry.
However, one way God will speak to him about you is through your actions. When a woman rejects a man, when a woman does not show interest in a man, and when a woman does not invite a man as much as the man is pursuing her – these are usually signs to this man that God does not want him to pursue her further.
Throughout Scripture, there is a common theme where God will use us to accomplish the prayers we are asking him about. For example, if you are praying for food, God will often provide that food through your hard work (Proverbs 10:5). If you are praying for peace between you and someone when there is conflict, God will use your words to soften their heart (Proverbs 15:1). And the same is true when it comes to relationships. If you are praying for a man to pursue you, God will often use you to help this man pursue you.
When you talk to this man, when you respond positively to his pursuit, and when you invite him to be pursue you more, this is one way in which God will reveal you as this man’s future wife.
Related Article: 5 Ways to Invite a Man to Pursue You
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