Here are 4 signs that mean God is telling a man to block a woman from his life.
1. God Is Telling You to Remove a Woman from Your Life if She’s Already Betrayed You
Never stay committed to a woman who has already shown you she is not willing to be committed to you. If you are married already, I wouldn’t give this advice. In marriage, unless there was adultery, God wants you to stay married and work out the issues because you’ve already made a lifelong commitment to this woman.
However, if you are not married, there is zero reason you should commit to a woman who doesn’t value your commitment. Never be her doormat. This is not love. If you commit to a woman who is not ready to honor that commitment, you are giving her a skewed version of what God wants. The most loving thing you can do is to let her betrayal reap its fruit, which is separation and distrust. Forgive her, but don’t pretend she has the qualities to be a faithful woman.
Perhaps removing her from your life will be the wakeup call she needs to realize she can’t treat people however she wants without there being any consequence (Galatians 6:7). By blocking a betraying woman, you are correcting her in love (Galatians 6:1). You are also guarding your own heart (Proverbs 4:23).
2. God Is Telling You to Block a Woman from Your Life if She’s Wasting Your Time
As a man, you have to realize there are women out there who aren’t going to mean to waste your time, but they will still endlessly waste your time if you let them. This often occurs because these types of women want something different than you want from them.
You are a Christian man looking for a godly wife. This is good (Genesis 2:18). You are willing to invest in friendship with women. But ultimately you are not looking for a best friend who is a woman. You are not looking to endlessly be her friend while she dates other men and eventually marries someone else. However, there are women out there who are happy to treat you as this type of guy friend.
I’m not saying you should only be friends with women if you think they will date you. But I am saying there are friendships between men and women that are a complete waste of time. When you want to be something more with a woman but she is very content to just be your friend, this is one of those relationships that is unhealthy.
Don’t think you can just dial it back and still move on from her. If you like her that much where you were willing to settle for an endless friendship even though you knew she would never date you, you need to do something more than just dial back the friendship. You don’t need to be hateful or rude. But you do need to block her from your life if you want to truly move on.
Be respectful, but be firm. Just explain to her that you want to be more than friends with her (Ephesians 4:15). If she doesn’t want to be more than friends with you, then let her know you need to fully move on and not speak with her anymore.
3. God Is Telling You to Remove a Woman from Your Life if She’s Trying to Be a Sexual Temptation
I’m not telling you to remove every woman that you are attracted to. You want to be attracted to the woman you pursue. Rather, I’m saying you should block the woman who is intentionally trying to tempt you into premarital sex.
Don’t think you can play with fire and not get burned (Proverbs 6:27-28). Don’t let your own sinful flesh trick you into tolerating this temptation (Romans 12:1-2). Your sin nature will tell you all kinds of lies in order to justify why you should keep spending time with this woman even though you know it will result in sexual sin.
Obey the word of God and flee sexual temptation (1 Corinthians 6:18). As a Christian man, you were bought with a price, through Jesus’s sacrifice, so honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
4. God Is Telling You to Block a Woman from Your Life if She’s Hurting Your Relationship with God
The best test to know if you need to remove a woman from your life is to look at the affect she is having on your walk with Jesus (2 Timothy 2:22). Is she helping or hurting it? Do you feel closer to Christ since she’s come into your life or further away?
Act accordingly. Never put a woman above your love for God. If she’s doing you harm by coming between you and the Lord, it’s time to block her (Hebrews 12:1).