Here are 4 tactics the devil will use on a woman in hopes of getting her to marry the wrong man.
1. If You Believe There Is One Perfect Guy Out There that Will Make You Happy, This Is a Tactic of the Devil to Trick You Into Marrying the Wrong Man
To be clear, when I say that you could end up marrying “the wrong man,” all I mean is that you could end up with a difficult marriage that could have been avoided. In a way, I believe that once someone is married, they are married to the right person (unless a biblical reason for divorce occurs and that person wants a divorce). I’m not saying that each of us has one perfect soulmate and that if we do not marry that person, it will be impossible to have a healthy marriage.
In fact, I believe that way of thinking will lead you to marry the “wrong person,” meaning this belief about finding “the perfect one” will often lead you into an unhealthy relationship. Why? Because your belief that there is this perfect relationship opportunity somewhere out there will lead you right into the trap of infatuation.
Instead of looking for someone with Christian character, you will be looking for the person who gives you the strongest butterflies when you first meet them. Your infatuation with this person and your hope that you have found this magical partner that you perfectly fit with will lead you to see what you want to see, thus leading you to make unwise relationship choices.
This mindset will also make you much more susceptible to players. When you believe there is a perfect person out there who can complete you, a player will pretend to be this person for you (2 Corinthians 11:19-21). After a few years of real life in the messiness of marriage, however, the infatuation goggles will be removed and you will see how badly you were played by this person.
Thus, to avoid ending up in a marriage choice that you regret, you must have a biblical view about “the one.” The one is simply the person God wants you to marry. If you are looking for “the perfect one,” bad things will happen.
2. By Tempting You to Believe God Has Called You to Change This Man, Satan Will Try to Trick You Into Marrying the Wrong Guy
Wanting to help a man who is not living his best life in Christ is a good desire. When you have feelings for a man who is not obeying the word of God, the compassion in you will reach out to this man. That is not bad.
However, when mishandled, Satan will tempt you to be overly compassionate and unwise. While Scripture does call us to help people that we can help, it also states we must first take responsibility for guarding our own hearts (Galatians 6:1, Proverbs 4:23).
The truth is, we can’t change anyone. Changing hearts is the job of the Holy Spirit. When you cross the biblical line and start compromising your relationship with God because you want this man to love God, all you are doing is hurting yourself.
Satan will tempt you to believe the lie that God wants you to have an unequally yoked relationship because this is the path God will use to save this man. While God might use you to bring this man to himself, he will not lead you to break clear commands in Scripture (2 Corinthians 6:14).
3. By Tempting You to Dabble in Dating Without Marriage in Mind, Satan Will Try to Trick You into Marrying the Wrong Guy
When a woman has a strong desire to be married one day, her season of singleness can be a very lonely place. Emotionally, she will feel very thirsty. Thus, she might be tempted to take a romantic drink in dating to help quench her thirst for marriage. This is not a good idea!
When you have a longing for a Christian husband but you are trying to ease that longing by dabbling in worldly relationships with men, you will end up delaying your future godly marriage or missing it all together.
While you are wasting time with guys you won’t marry, the guys you would consider marrying will be spending their time elsewhere. Additionally, while you might think you can resist the pull to get too attached to a man you think you can reject when things get too serious, you might be surprised (1 Corinthians 15:33).
You might breakdown and compromise in ways you never thought you would. Many women have played around with fire and then got burned. You might think you can take a little sip of sin, but more often than not that sin entangles you in far greater ways than you could ever have imagined (Galatians 6:7-8).
Thus, to avoid ending up with the wrong guy, don’t even open the door to that type of guy. Once there’s a crack, oftentimes the evil comes flooding in.
4. By Tempting You to Think You’ve Already Messed Up Too Much to Be Married to a Good Man, the Devil Will Try to Trick You into Marrying the Wrong Guy
Maybe you thought you would always be a virgin on your wedding night, but then you fell into sexual sin. Now you feel like you are damaged forever and no godly man will ever want you.
Or maybe you were in an unhealthy relationship through your 20s, and now that you are single again in your 30s you feel like all the good guys have been taken already.
Or maybe you were in a healthy Christian relationship but somehow you sinned in a bad way and ruined the relationship. Now you think you have lost your chance of ever being in a healthy relationship again.
No matter what has happened to you, whether you have made a bad choice or bad choices were made against you by others, never limit the power of God’s grace in your life. Never settle for a godless man because you think that is all you deserve.
Through grace, not our own works, we are made right with God (1 Corinthians 1:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-10). And when you are walking with God through grace, he will lead you in the way you should go, including when it comes to relationships.

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