We cannot control or manipulate God into doing what we want, all we can do is obey what his word says. However, throughout Scripture, God does give us instructions on how to be blessed by him.
So here are 4 ways to increase the chances of being blessed by God with a relationship.
- Loosen Your Desire for a Relationship and Increase Your Contentment in Christ
One of the main barriers to all blessings, not just relationship blessings, are idols. Before God will bless us with something good like a marriage, he first needs us to realize what is best, which is himself. Anytime we want something more than we want God, this desire has become an idol.
Notice the emphasis Jesus places on the words “good gifts” when he is teaching us about God’s blessings. In Matthew 7:11 Jesus said, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
I’ve talked about this before, so here is more information on how to recognize relationship idols. God will never bless you with an idol. You can increase your chances of being blessed with a relationship by genuinely putting God first so you can enjoy a relationship for what it was meant to be rather than trying to make it an idol taking God’s place in your heart.
- Obey God Even When No One Else Is Watching
Another guaranteed way to block God’s blessings in your life is by having hidden sins you only do when no one is watching. God sees everything. As Proverbs 28:13 says, “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Galatians 6:7 states, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
If you want to increase your chances of God blessing you, do the right thing even when no one is watching except God. After all, what God sees us doing is what really matters the most.
And just to clarify, this does not mean God is blessings us because we are earning it through our obedience. Rather, when we disobey God he will bless us less because he will be less present in our lives. The true blessing of God is himself and when God is in your life he will teach you how to handle his blessings properly. When you are better equipped to handle his blessings and use them for his glory, it will be more likely that God would bless you.
- Fulfill the Requirements God Has Given You to Do
Many times people sense what God is asking them to do before he will bless them with a godly marriage. Perhaps they are living in sexual sin with their boyfriend or girlfriend, perhaps they are refusing to get the counseling they know they need to heal from the wounds in their heart, or perhaps they are just running from God’s calling on their life and thus blocking God’s blessings in general.
If you sense God telling you to do something, do it. He will not bless you until you do what he is asking. Often times God tells us to do certain things so he can bless us. We often need to be sanctified, healed, or matured before we can handle the blessing of a godly relationship. So God will wait until you do what he is saying.
- Pray Biblical Prayers for a Relationship
1 John 5:14 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” James 4:3 also says, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”
God will not give you whatever you ask for. However, God will give you anything you ask for when it aligns with his will.
The will of God is a big topic. There is “God’s sovereign will” that is his plan for each of our lives. But then there is “God’s will of commands” which is his word. In one sense, God’s will for your life is written in God’s word. When we pray in alignment with God’s word, our prayers are much more likely to be answered.
Therefore, to increase the chances of being blessed with a relationship, you can pray the Scriptures. Pray Scriptures of repentance if you have a relationship idol in your heart. Pray the words in Scripture that explain what a Christ-honoring marriage should look like.
When you pray holy prayers that are in alignment with God’s will, they are more likely to be answered.
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