Throughout life there will be countless times that we will desperately want to know if God is giving us a “yes” or a “no” to something we are praying about. So here are 5 things God will do in your life when he is giving you a “yes.”
1. When God Is Saying “Yes,” He Will Confirm This to You Through His Word
Whenever we want to know the will of God, we must always start with the word of God. When we are seeking the Lord’s directions in our lives but we are neglecting the Bible, it’s like going on a road trip without a GPS or a map of any kind.
How strange would we look if we got in our cars to go on a big road trip and simply prayed that the Lord would help us find our location without any kind of written or tangible guidance? This is what it is like when we ask for directions in our life but we ignore what God has already told us in the Scriptures.
Through the word of God we have been given a road map to many important life decisions. Perhaps an even better analogy than the road map is the love letter. The word of God is like a letter from the Lord himself meant to lead us forward into a glorifying life.
So when you desire to confirm that God really is saying “yes” to you, you must always consult the word of God to make sure you are not breaking any commands and to make sure you are headed in a biblical direction.
2. When God Says “Yes” to You, He Will Open the Doors You Need to Walk Through
God won’t say “yes” to you and then keep all the doors shut. When God is answering a prayer with a “yes,” he will confirm this through the circumstances in your life.
For example, if God is saying “yes” that you should date Ebony, this will be confirmed by Ebony also wanting to date you. Or if you are asking that you and Roberto can become boyfriend and girlfriend, this will be confirmed by Roberto taking the necessary steps to also proceed forward with you.
On the other hand, when God closes doors in your life, this is one of the clearest signs he is giving you a “no” to the prayer you are asking. Many times people waste years of their life banging on doors God has locked shut because they are unwilling to take no for an answer.
3. When God Says “Yes” to You, He Will Produce a Supernatural Peace in Your Heart
The Bible says that God brings peace to those who follow him. When we begin to stray from God’s will for our lives, one of the ways the Holy Spirit will lead us back onto the path he wants us on is by removing our peace. When you don’t have peace about something, this could be God telling you not to proceed forward.
However, when God does tell you “yes,” this will be confirmed by a genuine peace in your heart. You won’t have to force it and you won’t have to pretend to yourself that this is truly what God wants. You will know God is saying “yes” in your heart in such a way that you won’t be able to explain it to others. 1 Corinthians 14:33 states, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” Psalm 34:14 says, “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”
We are told to pursue peace; therefore, God will lead you forward through showing you where the peace lies. By looking ahead and figuring our what choice brings you the most peace, you will then be able to confirm when God is saying “yes” to a decision you need to make.
4. When God Gives You a “Yes” in Life, He Will Arrange Circumstances in Such a Way Where You Could Not Have Done This for Yourself
This sign does not always happen and it is not something we should ask God to do all the time; however, as many Christians can attest to, God often arranges circumstances in our lives in ways that we could never have done through our own power or manipulation.
When people, places, and things begin to show up in your life at certain times or in such consistent ways that you know God must be behind it, this is one way to know when God is giving you a “yes” in life.
For more about how God speaks through the circumstances in our life, you may want to review, “How Does God Speak Through the Circumstances in Your Life?”
5. When God Really Says “Yes” to Something, It Will Actually Happen
As we must admit in humility, we are all flawed humans and sometimes we choose to hear a “yes” when God is actually giving us a “no” or a “not yet” to a certain prayer. However, the one sign that will be the final confirmation that God really is saying “yes” is that the thing we are asking for will actually happen.
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