Is Valentine’s Day satanic? Possibly. It depends on what you mean.
The history of Valentine’s Day is difficult to know for certain. Some say it was started because a Catholic priest was marrying couples in private because the Roman empire had outlawed marriage for soldiers. Others say Valentine’s Day has its origins in a pagan holiday called Lupercalia1, which was a fertility festival where naked priests would run around and whip women with the hide of goats that had been sacrificed.
With that said, I don’t believe we need to know the origins of Valentine’s Day to decide whether or not it’s being used by Satan. What we really need to do is apply biblical principles to see whether or not we are using this holiday in a holy or unholy way.
Satan loves sin. If Valentine’s Day is being used in sinful ways, we can be sure Satan is involved.
Thus, I’m not demonizing Valentine’s Day for everyone. Rather, in this article, I’m simply pointing out 5 common ways in which the devil can use Valentine’s Day in evil ways.
Also, if you are someone who wants to know what the Bible actually says about love and romance, you may want to check out AGW University.
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1. Satan Uses Valentine’s Day By Tempting You to Idolize Romance
You can want to be married and not be idolizing marriage. You can even celebrate (or want to celebrate) Valentine’s Day without worshiping romance.
However, celebrations like Valentine’s Day can be used by the devil to elevate romance to a place in our hearts where it shouldn’t be. Anytime we have allowed something to be a greater source of joy to us than God himself, we have turned that thing into an idol.
Anything that is really good is also really dangerous. The more powerful the gift from God, the more likely it is that the human heart turns it into a god. Since romance is very good and very powerful, our flesh will want to turn to it to take God’s place as our main source of joy.
1 John 5:21 (NLT), “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”
2. Satan Uses Valentine’s Day By Tempting You to Believe You Are Inferior
“Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?” That statement can be received like an arrow through the heart (and I’m not talking about cupid’s arrow here). Why? Because Valentine’s Day is used by the world as a day of comparison.
Sadly, many people just want to have a date on Valentine’s Day so they can feel like they are better than those who don’t have a date. If you are playing this game and you don’t have a date, you will feel like a loser. The solution to this attack from Satan is not to play this game to begin with.
Again, I’m not saying Valentine’s Day has to be worldly for you. But I think we are fooling ourselves if we think that Valentine’s Day isn’t being used in a worldly way by most. Satan is controlling the lost (Ephesians 2:2-3).
As a Christian, be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17). Know that you are not of the world. You can be happy for people who have a relationship while also being open to this gift. You are not inferior. You are God’s dearly loved child (1 John 3:1).
He has a good plan for you too. There’s no need to compare. While his plan for you may be different than others, never forget that his is plan is always best. He will satisfy your desires in his timing if you delight in him first and foremost (Psalm 37:4).
3. Satan Uses Valentine’s Day By Tempting You to Believe You Are Superior
Ironically, one of the reasons we often feel inferior and judged by others is because if we had what they had we would be the one’s feeling superior and doing the judging (Matthew 7:1-2). That’s why I said as Christians we can’t play this comparison game it all. It’s demonic and Satan loves it.
If you do have a date, if you are in a relationship, if you are headed towards marriage, or if you do have a spouse, thank God for this and repent of any pride. 1 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT), “What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?”
4. Satan Uses Valentine’s Day By Tempting You to Compromise Your Christian Standards
If you are looking at everyone around you who has a date, you may be saying, “I’m trying to love God, so why am I the one who’s still single?” Satan is watching for the perfect opportunity to tempt you.
Remember when Jesus was being tempted by Satan in the wilderness? The devil waited until Jesus was hungry before tempting him to turn the stones into bread (Luke 4:1-4).
Likewise, when you feel especially lonely, this is when Satan will tempt you to compromise your relationship with God so you can gain a relationship with a human. Remember that these intense negative feelings will pass. Stay strong. God will supply you with what you need in his perfect timing (1 Peter 5:8-11).
5. Satan Uses Valentine’s Day By Tempting You to Join the Mindless Masses
“Oh what’s the big deal, you killjoy? Everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day. Lighten up!”
I’m not telling people to not celebrate Valentine’s Day. But I’m also not telling you that you should celebrate Valentine’s Day. Rather, I’m simply encouraging you to not be one of the mindless masses who blindly follows Satan’s marketing plan (Matthew 7:13-14).
Make a thoughtful decision for yourself rather than being desperate to conform to the sinful culture you are surrounded by (Romans 12:2). If you decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day, do it in a way that glorifies God and doesn’t compromise your Christian character. If you don’t want to celebrate it, avoid being a legalistic zealot who’s shaming everyone because they have a different view than you (Romans 14:5-9).
As Christians, we must be thoughtful and seek to glorify the Lord in all that we do or don’t do (1 Corinthians 10:31).
And don’t forget, if you want to invest in your relationship knowledge and learn how to best meet, date, and marry the person God may have for you, click here to visit AGW University before the scholarship deadline passes by.
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