4 Biblical Marks that Will Appear When a Woman Finds True Love

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

By studying Song of Solomon 8:6-7, we can see at least 4 marks that a woman has found true love.

These points do relate to a man’s love for a woman too. But since this passage of Scripture is coming from the female perspective, that’s the lens we will view it through today.

1. When You Want to Be So Connected to This Man that You “Own” Each Other, This Is a Mark of True Love

Song of Solomon 8:6a, “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm . . .”

During the time Song of Solomon was written, there was something called a cylinder seal. It was used like stamp so that someone could mark what was theirs. The owner of the cylinder seal would press it into wet clay or wax to leave their mark of ownership. Because this item was so valuable and since it was an extension of the right to own the things that were previously marked by it, the owner of this seal would often carry it on a necklace or on an arm band.

So when the woman says she wants to be like this man’s seal around his neck or arm, she is referring to ownership. This aligns with the biblical principles outlined in 1 Corinthians 7:4 where it states the husband and wife have authority over each other’s bodies. This statement about the seal also means the woman wants to always be close to the man as a seal would always be close to its owner.

Thus, it’s biblical to say that when a woman has found true love with a man, she wants him so deeply that she is willing to allow him to own her and she wants to take the responsibility of also owning him.

This is not to say they own each other likes slaves. Rather, it’s to say that they love each other so much that they become one (Genesis 2:24), sharing so much love that loving the other person is like loving yourself (Ephesians 5:29-31).

2. When Your Love for This Man Resembles God’s Love for You, This Is a Mark of True Love

Song of Solomon 8:6b, “. . . for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire the very flame of the Lord.”

The point of this passage is to show the intensity of true love between a husband and wife.

The Hebrews word used here for “death” is mawet and it was used in Scripture to refer to sickness or a deadly plague (Exodus 10:17) or destruction (Genesis 21:16). Death comes to us all. No one can escape it. Like the plagues God sent on Pharoah, this woman’s love for this man was unstoppable.

Jealousy is an unrelenting emotion, just like our journey towards the grave. While jealousy can be a sin, it can also be an expression of extreme desire rooted in true love. As Exodus 34:14 (NIV) says, “Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”

Fire is all consuming. Not only that, but this woman connects the imagery of fire to the Lord. As Ligonier Ministries explains:

[This passage] describes love between husband and wife as the ‘flame of the Lord.’ The covenant name Yahweh does not actually appear in the Hebrew; it is inferred from the -yah ending on the Hebrew word for flame. It is perhaps better translated as this love being a ‘Godlike flame.’ The image conveys intensity, strength, and durability. God’s love for us is deep and enduring. So must our love be for our spouses.”1

The point here is clear. When a woman truly loves a man, it is an extremely intense experience and it resembles God’s love for us.

3. When Nothing Can Stop Your Love for This Man, This Is a Mark of True Love

Song of Solomon 8:7a, “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.”

In the previous verse, she explained that her love was so intense that it was like a fire. Now she is saying that imagery was not quite enough. Fire can be quenched with water, but true love cannot be quenched by anything.

The Hebrew word for “drown” is satap. This word can refer to something being washed away, like the banks on a river when it overflows. Again, the woman is saying true love cannot be drowned out through the pressures and problems of life.

This is one reason true love cannot be discovered quickly. You have to see if it can endure the trials. Sometimes you may feel you have found true love, but if the love is quenched or washed away through trials and tests, it was not true love. True love won’t stop.

As 1 Corinthians 13:7-8 states, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

4. When a Woman Knows She’s Willing to Sacrifice Anything for This Man, that Is a Mark of True Love

Song of Solomon 8:7b, “If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

Her point here is that you can’t buy love because there is nothing on earth that is as valuable as true love. You can own all the possessions in the world, but when you experience true love, you will know the material wealth can’t compare.

And if you’re a Christian single woman who wants to be pursued by a godly man, my new book is for you. It’s called Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You.

Click here for more information about this unique, line-by-line Bible study.