Whenever we talk about God’s sovereign will for our relationship futures, there’s always going to be some unknown elements. We do have free will, so we can make both good and bad choices.
So to simplify this complex conversation about God leading a boyfriend and girlfriend to get married, I’m talking about the biblical ideal. Two people can choose to get married even if God is leading them to do otherwise.
Thus, these 4 signs are evidence that God would want a boyfriend and girlfriend to get married because they are exhibiting the biblical qualities he desires for a relationship.
1. God Will Lead a Boyfriend and Girlfriend to Get Married If Dating Is Confirming that They Are on the Same Spiritual Path
If you are a Christian, God wants you to marry another Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Corinthians 7:39). He wants you with someone who wants to obey the biblical commands for marriage like you do (Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Peter 3:7). And yet, just because you both are Christians and you both are willing to obey the Scriptures, this is not a sign you are compatible for marriage.
When talking about the same spiritual path, there is the macro and the micro. All true Christians are on the same spiritual path in the macro sense. But when it comes to the micro level, our paths are wildly different.
You don’t have to marry someone who will think and feel the exact same way as you. But to be effective for Christ, you want to marry someone who isn’t going to detract you from serving the Lord in the ways that he’s calling you to serve him.
In most cases, you can’t really know if you two are on the same micro spiritual path until you start walking together. You may both be Christians who want a biblical marriage, but if you are not headed in the same direction in life, God will lead you to part ways. But when you are able to walk the same path in dating, this is a great sign God is probably leading you to get married one day too.
2. God Will Lead a Boyfriend and Girlfriend to Get Married If Their Foundation Is Being Strengthened Through Being Together
In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus told us to build our house on the rock. This was a metaphor that means we must obey his teachings so that when hard times come, our faith in him does not crumble.
In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul explains that the danger in getting married is that your interests can be divided (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). In context, his main point was not that all marriages will cause all couples to be distracted. Rather, he was saying that if you do want to get married, you should only do so if you can better focus on serving the Lord with a spouse than without a spouse.
When a Christian man and woman start dating but then begin to read their Bible less and obey Jesus less, it’s like they are taking away the stones of their foundation rather than adding to them. This is not a good sign God would want them to get married.
Rather, when a dating couple is showing that they want to build their lives on the same foundation, Christ himself, it’s like they are adding bricks to each other’s foundation. This is a great sign God would lead them to get married one day.
3. God Will Lead a Boyfriend and Girlfriend to Get Married If They Are Showing They Need to Increase Their Commitment Level to Continue to Love Each Other
The Scriptures say a lot about marriage. The Scriptures do not say a lot about how to get married. Thus, we are free to use different means so long as they are done in a holy way and are used to accomplish biblical means. Dating falls into this category.
If a boyfriend and girlfriend are just dating because they want to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, they should probably not get married. In fact, they should probably just breakup. Dating is not a biblical category to live in. Singleness and marriage are the only biblical categories (See 1 Corinthians 7). Thus, dating is really only biblical if it is being used to gauge whether or not a man and woman should remain single or get married.
So if a couple is failing the test in dating and showing that they are not prepared to honor the Lord together in marriage, they should break up. Continuing to date is not useful when it’s already shown you not to marry someone.
However, if a boyfriend and girlfriend are passing the tests in dating to show that they would make a good husband and wife, this would be good evidence God wants them to get married. Endlessly dating is not loving. To keep loving someone you are dating, you have to increase your commitment and expression of love. Eventually, you must leave dating and enter into marriage.
4. God Will Lead a Boyfriend and Girlfriend to Get Married If They Want More Love and Intimacy Together
Really, it comes down to true love. If you don’t want to marry your boyfriend or girlfriend, it means you don’t love them. I know that sounds harsh. And yes, there are levels to love. So you can love them in a lesser way, like the way you love all people as a Christian. But love without commitment is not the highest form of love (Ephesians 5:31-32).
When you want more intimacy but you don’t also increase your commitment, that’s when sin and hurt begins to occur. Thus, if a boyfriend and girlfriend want more love and intimacy than they can experience in dating because of the limited commitment in this season, this means they should get married (1 Corinthians 7:36).
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