5 Signs God Is Warning You that a Woman Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus

Proverbs 19:14

As a Christian man who is looking for a godly woman, it can be very difficult these days. Our culture as been infected with toxic lies about men and women that will directly impact your ability to thrive in a healthy relationship.

Thus, as a Christian man, you must know how to identify women who are on a completely different road than you. Here a 5 signs God will often point out to you when he’s warning you about a woman who has been infected with the woke mind virus.

And for clarity, please note, I’m not making this article so we can demonize women like this. God loves all people and wants everyone to repent of sin (2 Peter 3:9). However, you must guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23). If a woman believes the things we will be discussing here, do not get into a relationship with her. Calmly explain biblical truth to her. Perhaps she will repent and come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

If she does not, move on and don’t fool yourself into thinking you can have a successful relationship with her. You can’t. You will be miserable and you will regret your decision.

1. A Woman Who Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus Will Believe that All Humans Are Good

At the heart of all political, ideological, and social differences is the belief about human goodness or badness. Are humans basically good hearted and they just do bad things sometimes because of the negative environment influencing them? Or are humans bad at heart and do bad things because there is evil within them?

The Bible is very clear about this. It states that humans are not good (Romans 3:23). We are all born sinful, which is why we must be born again through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:3-8). We inherit a sinful nature from Adam and Eve (Romans 5:12-21). Theologically this is called original sin. As David wrote, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5).

Someone who is infected with the woke mind virus rejects this reality and believes humans are good. This is why they think such things like police are unnecessary, borders are wrong, and criminals should not be punished.

2. A Woman Who Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus Does Not Believe in the Idea of Sin

The only real sin people like this believe in is the sin of believing there is sin. They hate the idea of there being a moral right and wrong that everyone will be judged by (2 Timothy 4:1).

Of course their lives are completely inconsistent with this naïve belief. They constantly feel wronged and they constantly feel other people are being wronged, but when it comes to defining a moral standard, they struggle to articulate one since this would require them to admit that there is such a thing as sin.

A woman like this will always be changing the rules on you. She will judge you by her feelings. When she doesn’t like what you’re doing, you will be wrong. But when she does the same thing, she will be right.

A biblical person, however, knows that God’s word gives us a very clear moral law (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Only when we all can submit to an objective moral truth can we treat each other right in relationships.

3. A Woman Who Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus Will Believe a Woman Can Do Everything a Man Can Do

There are a few women who are physically stronger than a few men. There are a few men who can take care of small children better than a few women. But it is a clear fact that in general, men are physically stronger than women and women are better equipped to take care of small children.

Obviously physical strength and taking care of small children are not the issues here. I’m just using those two examples because they are very obvious for anyone who is willing to be honest. The real point here is that men and women are actually different (Genesis 1:27).

To deny this fact causes ridiculous situations that can be easily avoided. A woman who cannot accept simple facts like this will be intolerable to partner with.

4. A Woman Who Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus Will Support the Mutilation of People’s Bodies

If an adult believes they are trapped in the wrong body and they are a different gender, they should have the right to believe such a lie and do whatever they want to themselves. Sin is a choice people should be able to make so long as it doesn’t harm others.

But other adults should not be forced to affirm such harmful actions. And children should not be able to make life altering decisions at such a young age.

Even if a woman would never alter her own body, if she believes someone can change genders by mutilating their body (Psalm 139:14), this woman is clearly infected with the woke mind virus and you should never get into a relationship with her.

5. A Woman Who Has Been Infected with the Woke Mind Virus Doesn’t Believe in the True Jesus and Rejects the Authority of Scripture

There are many women who claim to be Christian while also claiming people can still be saved without submitting to the one true Jesus Christ. They may claim Jesus as their savior, but they also believe God will save other people who don’t believe Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6).

Perhaps the easiest way to spot a woman infected with the woke mind virus is to look at how she views Scripture. Does she submit to it absolutely or does she twist it to make it seem like it means something it obviously doesn’t mean?

Related Video: 3 Biblical Signs a Woman Is Marriage Material

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